~~50: 8TURN Minho - Sweet (New Year's Special)~~

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It was approximately half an hour before the new year, and you were playing games with 8turn, constantly laughing 'cause they were all just so funny.

"Aaahhh, oh my Gosh, I love that game" Yoonsung said, attempting to calm down after endless laughter. "I'll go get a drink, then we can play another round."
"Can you get me one too?" Jaeyun asked.
"And me!" Yungyu joined in.
"And me!" and you also tagged along.

"Yeah" Yoonsung said and then headed to the kitchen.
While he was gone you were just talking about the previous game that you'd just played, and then Seungheon got cut off mid-sentence when Yoonsung yelled from the kitchen "GUYS ITS LITERALLY 24 MINUTES 'TILL 2024"

After hearing that we all got taken aback as it seemed that after having so much fun, time effortlessly flew by like nothing.

Minho's POV
After Yoonsung came back with out drinks and we were still talking about how it was literally twenty minutes 'till the new year, Jaeyun nudged me and asked in a low voice "you are gonna do it right?"
"Yeah, atleast I hope I don't pussy out." I said back, barely above a whisper.
"Man, stop worrying, all of us know that she's just as head over heals for you as you are for her. Nothing can go wrong if that's the case." he reassured me, but I just wasn't so sure.

I've been planning on kissing y/n on new year's for atleast a month or so now, 'cause I've liked her for over two years now, and I think if I keep it in any longer I might just go psycho.
"Guys I don't think we'll have enough time to play another round of this so how 'bout we just play a couple rounds of imposter shots with water and lemon juice instead?" Myungho suggested, and everyone agreed, so that's what we did.

The closer it got to midnight, the more nervous I became. I wasn't sure if I could even do it.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped my shoulder and handed me a glass of champagne, ready to cheers when midnight hits. It was Kyungmin. He noticed so he did a thumbs up as if asking me if I'm alright and I just nodded. He didn't really buy it but he let me be. "it's gonna be alright, you got this" he mouthed, and then walked away.

Two minutes to midnight, everyone had their champagne in hand, Seungheon (and you if you're a minor) got a kids one of course, and we just played our songs in the background.

We then headed to the balcony to see the fireworks, and then it was time. I trembled, but it was time.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." I gulped as I glanced at y/n who looked really happy in the moment.

What if I completely ruin it for her by doing this? What if she doesn't like it? Man, so many things could go wrong. Well it's a 50/50; I either make a total fool of myself or it goes well. My God.
"You can do this" Haemin patted my shoulder after I literally face palmed.

"...four, three.." I took a few steps towards her confidently, but that all then disappeared for some reason.

But then, Jaeyun shoved me right back.

"One!" and the fireworks went off just as I anxiously cupped y/n's face and we both went in for a kiss...

She was planning on doing it too?!?!

We sweetly kissed for a few seconds as the fireworks started, then pulled away. The fireworks of the brand new year reflected in my eyes as I looked at her with pure shock, but also relief.
"You were planning on kissing me too?!" we simultaneously asked eachother, and everyone burst out in a fit of laughter.

"I don't believe this.." she said.
"I was so worried you'd reject it and then I'd be ruining your fun!" I said to her.
"Oh my God, no! It made it even better!" she said back, making me even more relieved.

And then we shared a tight hug. As I was embracing her, I looked the side and saw that Yungyu had been filming us this whole time. Well, I can't really complain since I know it's gonna be one of the best memories ever.

word count: 733

word count: 733

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