~~91: TNX Taehun - Can't Take It Anymore Pt.2~~

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"What if he does accidentally tell them?" I asked Taehun as his brother left.
"Well then I'll slap that little shit into next week." he joked, making me crack up.

"y/n! Taehun! Can you two come down?! Now, please!" my mum yelled.
"That's what happens." Taehun said.
"Welp, it was good knowing you." I half-joked, bracing myself for what was about to happen.

"We were thinking of ordering bingsu for dessert. Do you guys want any?"

Oh my God, the way we let out the breaths we didn't even know we were holding and began nervously laughing, you have no idea.

"Oh, y-yeah, of course we want bingsu, how could we pass that?" Taehun said.

Yeah, were safe. For now atleast.

So we picked out which flavour of bingsu we each wanted with trembling hands and just stood still until they said something.

"What's wrong, you two seem really tense." my dad asked us.
"It's nothing, don't worry." I rapidly said as I started heading back to my room, pulling Taehun by his sleeve.
"Is it 'cause of what you two were doing?" Taetak asked us.

We both looked back at him with a 'what the fuck do you think you're doing' look.

"What were you two doing?" Taehun's mum asked suspiciously.
"We were just- cuddling, 'cause it's quite cold in my room." I lied, literally sweating at this point.
"That's not true!" Taetak yelled, pointing his finger at us "they were kissing!"

Both our eyes widened. We'd been caught.

"Sorry?!" my dad said in disbelief.
"Son let me talk to you for a second, outside."
"y/n, let's talk by the stairs really quickly."they said almost simultaneously.

We gave eachother a 'good luck' look as we walked off with our parents.
"Jang y/n, do you have any idea what you're doing?! You can't be doing things like that with my CEO's son! Do you have any idea how bad this will make me look, how badly it will impact my career?! I can't believe you put me on such a thin line like this. One wrong move like that and boom, I'm out! I don't want you dating him anymore. I'm sorry. Just friends. End of discussion." just like that, she walked off.

Is she serious right now?

Taehun's POV
"Yah, Choi Taehun, are you out of your mind? I thought we'd been through this! You're making my career look so bad right now, do you have any idea?! I could fire y/n's mum on the spot easily now because of you. You should try being a bit more selfless sometimes, Taehun, my career will explode if people find out the CEO's son is dating one of his employee's daughters. Do you have any idea how unprofessional that makes me look?! I'm sorry but I don't want you two together. No more than friends." and just like that he walked off.
"C'mon, dad.."

Is he serious right now?

After that, I was about to go in but y/n suddenly came outside and we both knew exactly what our parents told eachother so we didn't even need to use words. Her eyes teared up, but fortunately, I had a great idea.

"Sssshhh, everything's gonna be okay." I whispered while stroking her hair as she sobbed on my shoulder.
"No it's not! I did feel bad putting my mum and your dad on a thin line and now it's hit!"
"Alright, just listen. Let's just keep dating in secret, but obviously hide it better this time. No one needs to know."
"We tried that, look what happened!"
"Let me finish. We'll subtly drop a couple hints here and there to get them to think we're cute together or whatever. Then they'll realise it can work out, and that their jobs will be just fine, because they're not the only CEO and employee who's children are dating!" I explained to her, and she started to look hopeful, so that made me happier.



I then tightly hugged her and rocked around a bit.

"Let's do this, y/n/n."

a/n: do we want an epilogue for this, guys? what do we think?? lmk 😊

word count: 702

word count: 702

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