~~65: &TEAM Jo - Lover Boy Pt.1~~

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a/n: before I start, just to let you know, there's gonna be a lot of pov changes for this one

"I don't see it, I just don't. I don't get what you guys see in this kid. You don't even know him!" you said to your friends who were currently fangirling over the school's heartthrob, Asakura Jo. He walked into the canteen with three of his friends.

He's not only captain of the basketball team, but also the headteacher's son. Almost everyone has a crush on him, bar a very few people, one of them being you. You just don't see what it is. Okay he may be a little good looking but you don't know him personally so how would you know? One thing you do know however, is that he's not full of himself. That's one good thing. He's not like a typical school heartthrob, arrogant and fuckboy-ish. He looks sweet and just careless of his fans.

"Oh c'mon y/n, there must be something!" one of your friends exclaimed.
"Okay he's a little cute but-"
Your friends started to go wild.
"Guys- it's literally- oh my God, he's coming this way!"
They all shot their heads towards the direction you were looking at and saw.. nothing?
That's because you only did that to stop them going crazy over one thing you said.
One of them slapped your arm and said "aw y/n, man, I was so ready to wink at him!"
"Ema, aren't you like four years younger than him?"
"That's- that's not the point."

"Alright, alright, let's just eat guys otherwise we'll end up starving in last period." the mum of the group, Reina said, and you all listened to her and continued to eat your food, which low-key saved you from getting questioned even more about Jo.

"Wait, Himari, dance practice has been moved from Friday to today after school, hasn't it?" you asked your friend.
"Yeah it has." she replied.
"Aw lucky, that means you get to have practice the same time as the basketball team which means you might run into Jooooo!" one of your friends said, getting really excited again.
"Guys." Reina said to calm them down again.
Just when you were about to go back to eating, again, Himari's brother came up to you guys.

Jo's POV
After a long hour of maths, me and my friends walked into the canteen and waited in the queue to get lunch.
"Dude, look, it's y/n" Yuma nudged my shoulder and pointed in the direction of where my crush was sitting.
"Oh shit, do I look okay?" I asked my friends.
"Yeah, you look fine dude, don't worry" Taki said.

"Ah shit we have practice today, don't we?" Fuma asked.
"Yeah we do" I replied "we have practice every Wednesday, Fuma-kun."
"I know, I know, it's just my sister wanted to see me after school and I told her I could." Fuma said while scratching the back of his neck.
"Well, tell her she can come watch us and then when we take a break, she can talk to you." I said to Fuma.
"Her dance practice has been moved from Friday to today just for this week 'cause some shit happened to the teacher or something. She must've forgot! I'll be right back guys, I'm just gonna go talk to her really quickly."

He ran over to the table where his sister and y/n were sitting at. And yeah, the closest I am to y/n is probably that she's Fuma-kun's sister's friend and that she's in my chemistry and physics class, which is kind of depressing.

3rd Person POV
"Himari, your dance practice moved to after school today for this week right?" Himari's brother asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"'Cause you asked me to talk to you after school, but how d'you expect to do that when I have basketball and you have dance?"
"I'd completely forgotten that my dance got moved to today."
"Alright, well we can just talk at home, can't we? It's not like we're siblings or anything." Himari's brother said jokingly before walking away and back to his friends, one of them being Jo.

After school~~

Thankfully, you had your last lesson with Himari, so you both picked up your dance kits from your lockers while making your way to the changing rooms where half the team were already there changing.
And as expected, the only thing you could hear when you walked in was the chatter about how you guys have dance practice the same time as Jo's team has basketball practice.

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