~~73: Xdinary Heroes Gaon - Surprise~~

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It was nearly the end of period five on a Friday afternoon, and you had English. Bit of a torturous way to end a week if you ask me, but oh well, blame whoever made the timetables I guess. You were counting down the seconds on the clock that was ironically ticking louder than the teacher speaking, you squinted your eyes more and more as the end of the day got nearer.


The bell rung and you packed your bags up faster than the teacher could say "okay class, that's it for today, see you next Tuesday, you may leave as soon as you're packed up, enjoy your weekends!"

You wish you could go home like everyone else right now but no, you had to go to dance rehearsals for a dance competition between schools in the country that'll be coming up in three week's time. You loved it, but the thing is you were already drained enough physically AND mentally from having PE, maths, drama, history and English in the same day, and then dance rehearsals after school on top of that. Sure part of the day was fun, but exhausting, especially given that you only got about five hours of sleep at night due to studying 'till really late.

Anywho, you headed to rehearsals and happened to see your boyfriend along the way. You were so glad, he's literally a ball of sunshine and happiness.
"y/n/nnnn!!!" he called out your name and cutely jogged towards you with a wide smile upon his face, which was very contagious, so you smiled just like that back at him despite your exhaustion.
"Gaon-ahhh" you tried to match his energy as much as you possibly could.

"How was your day? I know I've seen you today but.. still." he asked, a light smile never coming off his face as he looked into your eyes.
He's so sweet you couldn't even take it.

"It was good but exhausting, especially after five hours of sleep. How 'bout you?" you asked him.
"Aaw, and you have rehearsals for another hour now. You sure you can take it? Don't you wanna go home and rest?" he asked you, genuinly concerned.
"You're so sweet baby, but I think I'll be able to do it."
"Yessss" you said.
"Okay good. I'll be checking up on you."
"Heh, okay. Now how was your day?" it was your turn to ask him this question with a smile on your face.
"It wasn't too bad, I had music just now so it was a good way to end the week." he said.
"Lucky, I had English."
"Oh yeah, you did, that sucks. Whoever made these timetables just wants to kill us." he said.
"Hah, I know right? Anyways I better get going, I'll see you later babe." you said to him and kissed his cheek. He then kissed your hand and said "bye babe, have fun!" and made his way home while you made your way to the dance studio.

'Time to sweat EVEN MORE today' you thought to yourself.

You arrived there and saw majority of the people who were meant to be there that day already there. You saw five friends of yours gathered so you went over and chatted to them until the rehearsal began.

"Alright is everyone ready, we need to start!" the teacher yelled.

'Here we go' you thought, and walked in, already dreading the thought of what it will be like once you finish the whole seven minute choreography, multiple times.

Meanwhile, Gaon who was headed off with one of his best friends and neighbour Junhan, had a fantastic idea in mind.

"Alright bro, see ya next week" Gaon said to Junhan and gave him a bro hug as Junhan too said "see ya bro" and they each made their way into their houses.

"He got home, and immediately went into flash mode.
"Hey mum, how was your day?" he asked his mum as kissed him on the cheek.
"It was.. mentally draining, but thanks for asking, how was yours?" his mum asked him.
"Ah well, atleast you're chilling now, right? But mine wasn't bad, thanks. By the way, could I spend the weekend at y/n's?" he asked while speedily treating himself to some tofu stew from the stove that his dad made the day before, and a bit of rice on the side.
"Of course, that's perfectly fine with me as long as it's fine with her parents." his mum said while reading a book.
"I'm sure it is, but I'm asking her mum now." he said, eating with one hand, texting with the other.

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