~~1: EPEX BaekMin - More Than That Pt.1~~

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👽angst-ish (idk 😭😭)

background info: Baekseung and A-Min have feelings for eachother but they don't know this yet they flirt with eachother on a daily basis. They didn't even have to tell the members for them to know that they have feelings for eachother, they just make it so obvious yet the two don't even realise themselves.


Epex are currently ending their live which was for their comeback that's in exactly a week, so their manager asked them to go live. As expected, mainly Ayden was reading the comments, MU and Wish were feasting on the snacks laid out infront of them, Keum, Jeff & Yewang were the ones answering the fans' questions, and Baekseung and A-Min were messing around with eachother (flirting according to the members) in their own little world. But now they've ended it and are preparing to go back to the dorms as it was already 10 at night.
"Hyunwoo-yah, can I talk to you later about something?" A-Min asked Baekseung.
"Of course. My room?"

As they ended their short conversation, they were ready to leave along with the other members and and also their manager who'd be driving them home.

Once they got home they all showered and then stayed in the living room, talking for a little while until they decided to finally go to bed at midnight as they'd have to get up quite early the next morning. However as promised, Baekseung and A-Min had their talk that A-Min wanted to have, meaning they'd have to be quiet as all the members will be trying to sleep.
"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Baekseung asked A-Min as he closed the door to his room behind them. A-Min sat cross-legged against the headboard of the bed and Baekseung copied his position directly Infront of him.
"So when are we hanging out? I've been asking you for the past I don't know, months and you keep saying we'll see but it's been too long-" A-Min said, but eventually got interrupted by Baekseung
"Are you seriously asking me that again Minwoo? You should know that our schedules are busy as shit and it's not my fault they don't always match up. We're both idols and there's nothing we can do about it. Unless you wanna end your contract that is." Baekseung said.
"Yeah but Hyunwoo, we can always ask for a day off."
"Okay for one, during a time like this where we're preparing for our comeback and ever after the tour, it's practically impossible to ask for a day off. And two, even if we were to ask, what are we meant to say? 'Cause as much as I want to, we can't just say 'oh, because we wanna hang out'." Baekseung said.
"Yeah, that's why you can just lie. Like say you have a fever or something and boom you got yourself a day off." A-Min said back.
"Lie? Lie?? Minwoo we'd get absolutely obliterated if we lied. They'd find out eventually. They find out we're not in the dorms resting when we 'have a fever', we're done."
"How would they find out Hyunwoo?!" A-Min asked, getting more and more pissed by the second.
"We're idols for fuck's sake, we're constantly being checked up on for the sake of our safety and idol image." Baekseung exclaimed, his voice gradually raising aswell.
"Ugh, you're overcomplicating it so much Hyunwoo! You're making it seem like I'm obsessed with the idea of going out with you! As much as I really want to do it, I'm not actually obsessed! I was literally just asking you a simple question! Yes I do wanna hang out but I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of it!" was the last thing A-Min said to Baekseung before storming out of the room.
The two of them went to bed afterwards and tried to fall asleep, but the both of them found it rather difficult as they couldn't stop thinking about their argument.

The next morning all the members looked half dead due to how late they went to bed compared to how early they woke up literally the next morning. They were all standing outside waiting for their manager to arrive with the car they'd be getting to their interview by.
But they should be able to get through it 'cause they're all holding a cup of coffee in their hand. The two who look a tad more than just half dead are of course, Baekseung and A-Min who stayed up quite a bit later than everyone else due to their argument.

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