~~54: Seventeen The8 - Kiss Me~~

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y/n's POV
"Alright we're stepping outside for a smoke, back in ten." I said to my coworkers who were also on break.
I work at a bakery and have been working at the same one for the last seven years, along with my best friend, Anna. We became friends through work and have been inseparable since then, and we soon came to find out that the both of us smoke, and that brought us quite close, knowing we share something in common. But it was mainly other things that brought the two of us closer, like our passions for baking, sense of humour, hobbies & interests, such and such.
"Man we've gotten a fuckin' lot of orders today. I'm so worn out already. My hands are literally in pain." Anna said.
"Tell me about it. But are you surprised? It's Saturday. But you're right, it is a lot more than usual on Saturdays." I said back.
"Right?" she said.

When we both got to the butt of our cigarettes we put them into the ash pan and went back inside. Soon after, our boss came in to announce something.
"Guys, good news. We got a new trainee!" our boss said to us, all pumped. Our entire team cheered since we've been looking for someone for the past couple months since we've been running short on people so this was really exciting news.
"Who's gonna be training them, boss?" one of our co-workers, Jacob asked, sipping on some water.
"Well, that's a great question because I've actually already selected the person who'll be training them!" our boss said, getting all of us curious.
"I wonder who it is" Anna said to me as I nodded in response.
"I decided someone who's had a lot of experience and is very responsible and skilled and that has shown great leadership should be the one to train our new trainee. And that person is... y/n!"

Everyone started clapping and cheering as I was left there in shock.

He picked me?

Anna and Kevin (another one of our co-workers) patted my back, saying well done to me. I thanked all of them, of course our boss most of all.
"Thanks so much boss, it's an honour." I said.
"Of course! Now let's talk very quickly, just me and you, y/n."
"Sure thing." I said, hopping out of my seat and walking up to my boss.

"So, the trainee will be here on Monday at 7am, will that work for you?"
"Okay, awesome. I'll walk you through each day what I want you teach him, yeah? Thanks for doing this y/n. I'll give you a bonus if you can show me that you're capable of teaching someone how to be good at what we all do here."
"Really? Thanks so much, boss!" I said happily.
"Alright, well I'll be seeing you around. See you later everyone!" our boss yelled before exiting and getting a 'bye, boss!' from everyone.

"So??" Anna asked me curiously as I walked back.
"The trainee's starting on Monday. He said he might give me a bonus!!" I squealed.
"Did I hear bonus?!" Kevin turned around, pausing his conversation with his good mate, Haknyeon.
"Bonus?!" Haknyeon raised his eyebrows, looking over Kevin's shoulder slightly to see me while holding a can of sprite in his hand.
"Yeah" I said to them. "But don't tell anyone please, it's not necessary for everyone to know."
"Don't worry, I won't" Kevin said.
"I won't either" Haknyeon said after him.
"But well done, girl!" Kevin said to me.
"Yeah, you absolutely deserve one, you're so hard-working and good at what you do." Haknyeon added on.
"Stop it guys, thanks so much." I said to the boys.
"Yeah y/n, you really are amazing." Anna said to me.
"Thanks Anna." I said to my best friend sincerely.

It felt like the blink of an eye when Monday came by. I was already heading to the office to meet this new trainee. It was 7:01 as I was walking up the stairs to the office but oh well, you can't say I was late 'cause I made it there in approximately ten seconds.
"y/n, you're here! This is the new trainee, Minghao. Minghao, this is y/n, she will be training you until you're ready to become an official employee." my boss said, full of joy. "I'll let you two talk for a minute or two while I go grab some recipes from the printer." he said, patting my back on his way out before shutting the door.

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