~~40: Kang Daniel: Obsessed Pt.2~~

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The next day you woke up and your legs already felt weaker then ever. You couldn't even move them. You tried to get up but failed, miserably. This gave you flashbacks of last night and the amazing experience you had.

You then gave up with trying to get out of bed so instead, you turned your body around to look at the sleeping boy next to you.
How did he manage to look so beautiful even when he was sleeping? He's just so gorgeous. You admired his face and started ever so gently stroking it as if he would break any second under your touch, not even realising that there was a smile on your face.

All of a sudden, you receive a text.

the nameless trio

Bestie Leaaaa 💖🤪
Hey I haven't seen u guys in
a while we should meet up
today if ur free

ye I think I'm free

Bestie Leaaaa 💖🤪
Niceee hbu Daniel

he's probs still sleeping

Bestie Leaaaa 💖🤪
ye probs

Just then, you noticed Daniel shuffling around, slowly but barely opening his eyes.
"Morning beautiful" he says in a raspy morning voice.
"Hey handsome" you reply back. Suddenly the two of you burst out laughing.
"That was so cheesy!" you said through your laugh.
"By the way, Lea texted on the group chat." you said to him.
"Really? Lem'me check" he said, grabbing his phone and unlocking it.

ye I can make it

Bestie Leaaaa 💖🤪
Awesome! Let's do like
1pm at the park ye?


got it 👍

"I should tell you" you said after you both put your phones down, fully turning towards him, propping your head up on your elbow.
"Me and Lea had a kinda argument the other day. So a couple days ahead of this argument I asked her for your number 'cause you seemed like a cool guy right but she refused and was like 'why do you need it?'" and so you proceeded to tell him the whole story including the argument that happened a couple days after that.
"Hm, that seems a bit fishy not gonna lie." he says honestly.
"Yeah kinda. But who knows? We'll see." you said.

An hour passed by after that and you two are now out the door, heading to go meet Lea at the park. As you arrive, she's already there. The look on her face changed as she saw you two coming together and laughing together.
"Hey Lea!" you said, waving to her.
"Hey.." she said lowly.
"Hi hi" Daniel said.
"How come you two came together?" she asked, and you could tell by her voice that she wasn't in a great mood all of a sudden.
You felt guilty lying so you simply said "I was round his house. We planned on meeting today but since you texted we just came here."
Even though that was still partly a lie, it's better than saying 'we were both walking here and bumped into eachother'.
"Oh.. okay." she bluntly said. You and Daniel looked at eachother again as Lea's behavior was awfully strange...


As the three of you said bye to eachother after hanging out for about three hours, you and Daniel decided to go back to his place. On the way you talked about how she was acting really weird and how she seemed like she was in a bad mood. You tried to talk to her about it but she was dry and kept saying 'nothing' and 'don't worry about it'. You found this awfully strange and you had a hunch what the reason behind it might be but that's the worst part of it. You decided that to get her true reaction and for her to show her true side, you'd need to be honest and not hide anything from her in terms of what's exactly going on between you and Daniel.

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