~~59: Stray Kids Lee Know - Destiny? I Guess Pt.2~~

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The whole night you could barely eat knowing the fact your boyfriend was about to be your future step-brother.
You went to bed shaken up as hell, your mum even noticed this and asked you what was wrong. You just told her it was nothing but she didn't buy it, so you told her you didn't want to talk about it and she left you to sleep.
And for the next couple days at school, you and Minho were kinda awkward, you barely talked. That is until one day after school, he caught you up as you were about to head on your way home.

"y/n! Wait up!" he yelled from behind you.
"What's up?" you asked as he reached you.
He pulled you off to the side of the pavement onto some grass so that you two can talk. "Listen, I know we're both shaken up about the fact our parents are planning on getting married which would mean you and me, who are boyfriend are girlfriend, would become step-brother and step-sister. But we can't just act like strangers all of a sudden. We need to figure something out, anything." he told you.

You just looked at him and a tear fell from your eye as you suddenly hugged him.
"Alright. I just don't wanna lose you." muffler against his shoulder.
He caressed your hair and said "I don't wanna lose you either, love."

"So what should we do?" he asked as the two of you kept walking.
"Should we maybe hint to them that were a bit closer than they think?" I suggested.
"I get what you mean. But honestly, I don't think hinting is necessary. I say we just tell them and we'll see what happens."
"You sure?" you asked unsurely.
"It's the only way to figure out what the heck to do." Minho said to you.
"Alright, let's tell them then." you said and felt him squeeze your hand as you two walked along.
"It's all our fault, this whole thing. We're the ones who didn't tell our own parents about our relationship and if they'd have known, they probably wouldn't have started dating." you said angrily.
"Love, it's fine, we can't help that we weren't ready to tell them." Minho told you.

Minho then peeked at his phone and let you know that your mum was round his place anyway, so you two could just say it to them now.
So that's what you did. When you arrived at his place you took a deep breath before Minho turned the key and you saw your mum and his dad sitting together on the sofa.

"y/n? I thought you'd gone home? How come you came here?" your mum asked me, surprised to see you.
"Because we have something to tell you both." you said, getting your shoes and bag off.
Their faces immediately dropped as they noticed the tension in the air.
"Have a seat.." Minho's dad said.

So you two sat down next to them on the sofa and began. "so, y/n and I actually go to the same school. And we've actually been really close for years. And..." Minho started it off, and you finished it "we've been dating for nearly a year."

Their eyes widened as they looked back and forth between the two of you. "that's why we were so shocked to see eachother when we had dinner together a few days ago. I was not expecting to see the face of my boyfriend standing outside that door."
"Likewise." Minho added "so we thought telling you would just be best, and we'll have to figure things out from there." he finished it off.

"Why didn't you tell us you two were dating for the past year?" your mum asked.
"Neither of us were ready for either of you to know, we just weren't comfortable telling our families yet." Minho said.

"y/n, look, you'll probably hate me for this, but it was so obvious you were dating someone. But I didn't wanna ask about it 'cause I respected your privacy. But the last person I expected was for it to be my boyfriend's son." your mum told you, leaving you in pure shock.
"I was just about to say the exact same thing to you, son." and Minho's dad's words left him in shock.

Sooo, this is interesting.

"Well, I don't even think we need to talk about this. I will put my daughter before myself. I'm sorry, Daehan." my mum said to Minho's dad, leaving you and Minho in 10 times more shock than you were already in.
"No, mum-"
"Your mum's right. I always put my son first aswell. It's sad that it has to be this way, but it all makes it so much better because I'm ecstatic that my son has found someone to love and care for him." Minho's dad stated.

"I feel really bad.." Minho said, and you nodded in agreement.
"We said what we said guys. We will do what it takes to make you guys happy." your mum told you.
"I'm so thankful, but I'm also so sorry." you said, going up and hugging both of them.
"Don't be. You can't help who you fall in love with." his dad said.

Minho also hugged them both, and then you all chatted about something else for a couple more minutes.

As a whole, that was definitely a shocking, unexpected situation.

word count: 914

word count: 914

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