~~109: EPEX Yewang - Earmuffs~~

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a/n: I've had a request for more chapters on EPEX members so here it is :)

"Where are your earmuffs?"
"Couldn't find them."

y/n and Yewang, two best friends sitting out in the gliding snow. Yewang was worried for his friend since she only wore a coat and gloves and it was degrees outside.

"y/n!" he petitely scolded. "don't you want to go inside?"
"No, spending time with you in the snow is fun."
"But.. your ears and nose are red and your cheeks are pink." he pointed out.
"I still wanna stay out here with you." y/n said as you could see the fog escaping her breath as she talked.

Yewang playfully pinched y/n's cheek and looked down at her lips, then up at her orbs and pointed out "your lips are starting to become blue, y/n/n" with a worried expression.

As if instinctively, they leaned in and gently shared a kiss with a spark of love emmitting into the air.

"And they're cold..." Yewang's voice faded as he looked into y/n's eyes to tell her this after their short moment. "y/n we should go inside. I don't want you to get hypothermia."

So finally obeying, y/n followed him inside.

Deep down though, she was wondering if he's trying to dismiss the kiss and he didn't like it or if he did like it and he's just shy and actually does want to take care of her. She just hoped he didn't think it was a one time thing.

They both got inside in the relieving warmth and took their many layers off.

"So, does this mean we're together?" Yewang asked cutely.
The corner of y/n's lips spread out to the sides of her cheeks in an eminent beam and she threw herself into Yewang's arms.

"I'm taking that as a yes." he said joyfully, swaying around in the hug.
"Yesss!!" she squealed, smashing her lips into his to kiss him once again.

The fresh couple were all smiles at eachother and sat down with a hot chocolate to watch none other than 'Elf'.

a/n: ps: happy birthday to me AND our sunshine Sunoo ☺️🥳

word count: 369

word count: 369

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