#.7.# Patapon2~Gala (EDITED):A SKY FULL OF STARS

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Gala stopped running.

She could barely hear the sound now. She wanted to see what was wrong.Why wasn't she being chased?

Why did she want to be chased?

Because it was fun. Gala hadn't had fun since....4937 years? Or was it 4938?

She turned around, and started searching. She only had to swing her head..eye....head.. whatever,to see two revving grey blurs beside a thick tree.Apparently the patapon had rammed into a tree to stop itself.Gala walked over, her feet sinking in the squashy mud, careful not to let her black sword trail.She paused a few feet away , watching the sawblades with a bemused expression, rocking on her heels.

"You're a tree-killer," she said, rather like a child, with her voice laced with dissappiontment.

It didn't answer.

After standing there for a while, she sighed." Help. You need it?"

"Uh-huh. Not sure how you can."

Gala tried to remember. What disrupted a Fever? A drumbeat that didn't match.

"Uh..." She felt silly trying to say these new words.

" Pon? How about.. yes. Don,dondon,ponpatachaka." It was just a random string of drumbeats. It worked as well; there was a sound like a car being turned off, and the blades stopped and swung, hanging. Now Gala could see that the 'blades' were not blades, but huge, presumably heavy hands.

"....that wasn't supposed to work."

"Why not?"


Okay. At least there was a crack in the door. They both just stood there .Gala's sword shortened and shivered, turning back into a relatively harmless pencil.The silence was awkward; Gala was a strong introvert, and didn't talk unless someone spoke first,in normal circumstances. Gala's antennae things swiveled, and folded like a beetle's wings, waving all the time. Maybe she was a moth. A Tineapon. That sounded much cuter than a mut-


Gala looked at the tree with surprise.

"Um. What are you?"

Gala blinked. "What kind of a question is that?"

"I'm a Patapon."

Shameless."Okay. I'm a mu- Tineapon."

"A Mutinypon? Wow, i would be worried if i had an army of those."

"No! I'm a Tineapon. A moth thingy."

"A moth thingy?" It wasn't a question." You mean.... a moth tingy? Eh-heh-heh..." The right monstrous hand feebly shot her with a finger gun, then slumped back into the dirt.

Gala was not impressed." You have a bad sense of humor."

"Not as bad as yours." It had a snappish edge now.

Gala didn't answer. She looked back towards where they came from. If she could just sneak past and follow the path of upchurned dirt.....

"Hey. I'm sorry....just, I've never really talked with..."

"A girl?"


So i assume you aren't one. Gala was amused.

She started to warm up to this Patapon. The apology didn't hurt, especially when it came from someone who was apparently not used to apologizing."Okay. Accepted, now my turn to ask. Do you like trees so much that you'd stay here forever, learning to talk to a girl?"

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now