#.13.#Patapon2-...someone:ROADS UNTRAVELED

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Elilah was holding a fistful of flames, sitting cross-legged on the empty nothingness so reminiscent of paper.

There was no ceiling.

There was floor.

There were no walls.

She just sat there solidly on the empty*, while there was a boom---boom---boom just like a heart that thudded his whole body along with it.

As he watched (maybe he watched. He wasn't even sure if he was there), her expression changed from blank to confused.

"It's hot," she said faintly."Really hot."

"It's fire, Elilah." Like as he was speaking through water.

"I know," she said, losing her mystical,blurry tone. Her voice was normal now-the old, clearer, and familiar voice of Elilah. He sorta wished it hadn't; the thudding sound got faster and he got the feeling she could hear it too.


 She tilted her head, her antennae twitching as if she was listening to some piping music that only when strained could be heard.

"I know." she said presently." In a dream i can't be burned."

"But this is my dream."

"We can't testify that." Grass was started to ripple across the anything she was sitting on-being painted into existence.

 "We could be in each other's dream. We could be just part of someone else's and not be here at all,or you could be in mine, or i could be in yours- though i don't know why you'd want to dream of me."


She put her hands on the ground-extinguishing the bright flame- and tilted her head again.Tring to hear what he never could understand.

She had changed. When she had fallen pretty hard from a tree back in the glory days, she was a rabbit in a grassless forest- confused and alert and knowing that she wasn't supposed to be there and wanting to go back to the lands where she was before and rather bi-polar and seeming like as she had been treated worse and was confused to how everyone was acting.

Now she was more at ease-as if she had returned home after a long trip- and more fixed and had guessed how to fit in more with everyone and more fluid with her powers and her dealings and threats and...something he had been chasing for so long. She acted a little different.

As if she was permanently betrayed- or left to rot in the sun, like a good crop of barley cut off and subjected to pests. Barley can't stop bugs from eating them alive- they have to have specific genes and whatevers to stop the invasion.

If they didn't, there was no more barley.

"I should tell you something." 

Her posture was slanted- as she if were falling towards the sound he couldn't hear.

"I'm not that powerful. I cant conjure anything that has energy,magic or life and only make small complicated things or big simple things at the cost of my energy. I can shapeshift but not to anything i have never seen. I can sing pretty well; but can't bewitch anything bigger than a Kacheek- and there are lots of things bigger than a Kacheek- and cant do that to a Patapon...."

She said it like if it hurt her.

"I'm a good drawer, but that's genetic of..." -she inhaled-" my kind. I said it."

"I'm not from here. I'm not a proper Patapon or an anything else for that matter. I only look like everyone else- otherwise i'm nothing of Patapon- or any of the tribes living- make. I told you i was a tineapon. That isn't it."

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now