#.9.#Patapon2~Gala:THIS IS WAR

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Gala was ejected out onto the side of a bare, hard tunnel of bluish ice.

She unsheathed her claws and scabbled on the ice, terrified of falling on down below where the fighting was taking place.Her hind legs struck a ledge,and her front claws sank into the ice, enough to make her stay there. She stopped,in shock,swaying in the wind,then gathered her composure and jumped up onto it. Gala sat there, balancing precariously, and watched the path down below intently,searching for any sign of anything. Apparently they hadn't gotten there yet, or were already onwards.

Gala was about to leave and go to the next tunnel when finally she heard the cracking of ice being hit repeatedly.She looked at the entrance of the other tunnel,and while she watched, the wall of ice blocking the entrance snapped and shards flew outwards. She heard the loud pata~pata~pata~pon of the March of Mobility, and started to get really excited,and examined the army ,noting the units and their types. The army consisted of the Hero (of course duh),Tatepons and Kibapons, who were mostly pyopyos, but there was a few mofus as well along with one or two Wandas and three Kanokkos. Gala saw that there were only two units;where was the third one? Then the last ones came marching out: Robopons, with their gigantic arms. They were all normal except...


Gala leaned out forward to take a better look.His mask thing was a deep bloom of plum, which may mean that he was a buhyokko.Before it was too dark to see that colour, but now she could tell quite clearly. Puzzlingly, he had a strength helmet on, so that meant that his headspikes were very thin and close together,or he could move them. Both the theories proved true; he took off his helmet, and his spikes swiveled(like ears but you can't hear through them) and then stuck pretty close together and he put it back on swiftly, nervous.

Gala squealed and leapt backwards. If she was seen... well, they wouldn't recognize her, but the presence of a cat on the tunnels would be distracting. But she really wanted to see.I want my pencil back, she thought. She didn't pause to think about what would happen. Im willing to brave the leaves.

Gala sat up, and curled her tail neatly around her paws. The tip lay twitching.

I want to be a Tineapon again. I want to be a Tineapon again. I want to be a Tineapon again. I wan-

On the third time, the leaves, now frosty white, shot up from the ground, and covered Gala nicely. Again she couldn't move, and she felt like one of her arms was missing. When the leaves opened gently and dove back in the ground, Gala was a Tineapon once more. Her pencil lay lightly in her hand...but when Gala looked at it, it wasn't a pencil, it was a spear; with a black head, a striped yellow metal body, and a pink end. No matter what form it takes it will still look like a pencil. Gala looked down on the fighting once more..and it was going badly.

Around two or three patapons were finished,and the enemies kept coming and coming. Then Gala looked a bit ahead and froze. The guy from the forest was cornered by that purple scorpion thing with another spear thing and he was looking tired, and kept hopping away until his back touched the ice,and he froze. I cant just sit there! I cant just kill anyone either! But they'll be revived in the end probably and he's almost finished off...

Gala fumbled for her pencil,spear,whatever, and aimed. Oh please Gullyinn give me the aim of hitting that scorpion even though i am worthless at archery and throwing except for bowling...Gala prayed. She threw the spear and looked away, cringing. ohgodess ohgodess ohgodess i probably hit the mask patapon...

When Gala got the courage to look again, the scorpion thing was paralyzed in place, a spear sticking through his head, and keeled over, dissolving and leaving only the polished spear behind. The buhyokko just stared for a bit, then swiftly looked up and caught Gala's eye( probably you cant really tell with the thing on his face). They both just stood there (leaning over the edge of a tunnel in Gala's case), staring at each other. Did anyone ever tell him that the mask looks like a purple fish with a black stripe on it? Why am i even thinking this? ... Gala swallowed. Her antennae things (you know what lets call them tinaes)which were folded back now were stiff and erect. Darn now how am i going to get my pencil back now... Her fears proved groundless when her pencil spear sank in the ground and reappeared at Gala's side once more. Then another robopon marched out from the tunnel and waved an arm in his face. Mr. Mask Dude tore his gaze away from Gala and followed him inside.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now