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So first Hallgralla got kidnapped. Then he got stuck with a hyperactive brat.

"MOVE! Does it look like as if the whole of Berk is allowed here to make space for you?"

"That makes to sens-"

"STOP! In the name of the princess."

Hallgralla shut up.

"You have to listen to ME. You are STUCK with ME. So stop being a BRATTY LITTLE MUTANT FURY!"And thus she started shrieking and rattling the cage for the ten billionth time.

"Enough with the 'cutey little ooo-so-many-slaves-i-can-eat strawberry spinach princess' act!" he snapped ( a little bit) at last. He curled up as far away from the stupid toddler as he could and curled up, folding his wings over himself like a blanket. "We'll get taken out then escape! But if you claptrap your bunkum head off then not even an ant will try to help. Besides," he muttered as an aftertought,"i have to go find some dragon Izalansadi and tell her her island is a bucket of frost dragon scat."

There was silence.

"I'm Izalansadi," she sniffed, "and i am already aware that this island is stupid. Why do you wanna find me? Are you supposed to be one of my suitors?"

"Never in my life, upon a thousand tortures," replied Hallgralla.

"Good." She copied his posture and stared at empty wall."I'm scared," she added softly, and raised her head to stare at him. Hallgralla kept his moody mouth shut. "You don't have to hate me, y'know."

"Well, isn't that just peach-"

The door's gears clanked and creaked as it was raised slowly, and the two dragons got up and stared out at the chink of light growing bigger and bigger as the gate went higher, and finally disappeared, giving them a full view of the three frozen young humans standing in front with ridiculously large shields. Hallgralla guessed that only his head was in view, and he hissed and flashed his teeth for maximum effect. Izalansadi did the same and they rattled their scales.

So that's why those dragons in movies were all, O HAI DERE I EAT YOU NOW RRR.

A crowbar came in view from the left and undid the little latch on the cage. The front promptly fell off, and Hallgralla and Izalansadi looked at each other.

"Temporary truce," Iza suggested.

"Yes," Hallgralla agreed.

They tentatively walked out, blinking in the sunshine slanting through the dome of iron bars above their heads.The three children were stock-still, but while Hallgralla was rubbing his face with a paw, one of them charged.

Iza nudged him, and he looked up at the human.Then just stared with his gold-coloured eyes.This unexpected gesture made the foolish kid stop in his tracks, and to add to that, Hallgralla aimed a plasma ball at his shield.

And then the commotion began.

All them took off at once, screaming their heads off, Hallgralla began padding after them at a leisurely pace, his tail roving back and forth as he went on with his cat-like grace. The one he was going after, a freckled girl with curly, red hair of 13,promptly turned around and threw her shield at his head. It bounced off ,hitting it's mark, and Hallgralla blinked and shook his head and growled, his head hurting, and was thus disorientated for a while. His attention reverted back to the girl and he growled. She backed up until she hit a dead end- the wall, and Hallgralla lunged.

He stopped short when he noticed her doing something weird.

She had covered her face with her arm, cowering away, and stuck out her hand as if to stop him or something. Hallgralla stopped just short of touching the hand, and he looked at it from the left,then the right, then above, and below.What's this supposed to do? Maybe it's a sue for peace. A stop sign. Alright, i'll leave you alone.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now