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man, it took me some time to decide who was a what exactly


In the background he could hear a strange sort of mechanical whirrrrrrrrs and snapping noises. A painful 'CLACK' and an "Yes!" were also picked up.

"Not all who wander are lost." said someone rather matter-of-factly.

Deathfang started to panic. He could hear Pinktail's sound superimposed in that voice, but it was all...strange and static and foreign. She just sounds...so wrong!

"Oh hey! Deathfang!"

Deathfang opened his eyes, but didn't move. He was very sure that the sky was not supposed to be pure white.


"whirrrr?" hummed Deathfang as gaze darted around. "Help! Can't get up!" He then proceeded to make smoke alarm noises and scabbled at the floor, which exasperated Pinktail very much.

"You don't have limbs, stupid. No wait; you do! Oh good. I thought I was the only turret here."

"Turret! Turret! Don't wanna be a turret! What the heck is a turret?!"

"You've ruined the word," she sighed." It's a machine, sort of like the mechanical arm back at the tuna fish factory.* But intelligent. And not going to kill me or you."


" -.- "

Deathfang froze when he felt himself being pushed over gently. His new spidery metal legs  wobbled as he tried to get adjusted to this feeling of having another sort of stilts."Wow," he muttered.

A white, longish thing scuttled in front of him. It's legs were so pointy that they made little holes in the floor, and it's eye was a delicate,airy pink, the same shade as Pinktail's tail. It fidgeted for a bit awkwardly, then spidered next to him.

"I can't scent a thing," she said miserably. Deathfang tried to press closer for comfort, only to meet a hard iron sort of substance.

"It isn't natural for ca- ACK!"

The last part was because the rather unfortunate feli- ,er, turret, got knocked over by an unidentified flying object. Actually, two of them.

"AAAH!" screeched one, rolling away uncontrollably. "I .CANT. MOOOOOOOOOVE!"

"Shut up," grumbled UFO #2.

Pinktail shuffled her needle- legs madly. "Who are you two?" she demanded, attempting to take control of the situation.

"We," said the latter, trying to hop towards it's companion, "are- uffff! this isn't working."

A few moments later, the quad were settled in a circle , with Pinktail-the-turret at the head."Alright!" said UFO#2 cheerfully. The other one didn't say anything, just stared suspiciously two used to be cats.

"I'm Hallgralla," said the navy-blue eyed core. "This is probably Iza(lansadi)."

"I am, stupid," muttered Iza, her black eye darting around restlessly.

"You don't seem very unsettled," noted Pinktail. Deathfang fidgeted. "Do you two cores know this place?"

They both perked up, and glanced at each other." Yes," thay said in unison, "we know!"


"This is Aperture." said Hallgralla happily.

"Cores and turrets in every stage,

Won't you like to escape this cage?"

"Come to us, and you'll be sure,

That you're not safe in Aperture!" Iza purred.

"This is Aperture!"

"This is Aperture!"

"Test subjects die once they're in sight."

"This is Aperture,"

"Everybody hit the floor,"




"'til the neurotoxin makes you die!" They chimed in unison.

"It's not safe, we are sure,

You're not safe in Aperture!"

"I am the one thats keeping you alive,

because,y'know, it' bloody hard to survive-"

"I am the one that wants to test,

Maybe at the end

i'll let you rest?"

They stopped and watched the frozen turrets expectantly.

"I don't want to be here anymore," muttered Pinktail.

"You do a great GlaDOS voice," said Hallgralla to Iza.

"You're the almost perfect  Wheatley. Wait, should i be worried?" Iza replied.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now