#.6.# Patapon2~Gala(EDITED):RADIOACTIVE

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yay, over 50 views! this'll be a good chapter.

See, this chapter is an awesome dream i had. I wanted to record it so i wouldn't forget. I'm trusting you guys enough not to make fun of me.


(NOTE: Right now i haven't finished the game Patapon 2 (i'm stuck on the Parabola of Hope mission, and the only mini-game guys i have are Pan Pakapon,Ton Kampon, Kon Kimpon,Shuraba Yapon and Tsun Tsunpon and Tsuku Tsukupon) and never played 3 or 1 so please do bear with me.

Also, here a drawing of Gala the Patapon. Please ignore the tree; i can't draw digital trees.

OLDER ME: I deleted that picture from my deviantart, so don't try looking for it.

Hopping across a portal was utter uncertainty. Like jumping through a hole in a wall, and appearing in another room.Completely random.

But Gala jumped through a wall....and fell from the ceiling.

She shrieked, falling and flailing through a forest of simple trees and prayed that she would not become a nice Gala-pancake. Thankfully,the Lady of Dragons responded, and she landed instead on a thick, thornless branch,less hurt than if she fell onto the ground and still in charge of half her senses. Her reflexes commanded her arms to wrap around the branch and stay there, quivering as the thick twig bounced slightly before shuddering to a halt, throwing a few leaves.

Gala lay there, stunned.After a matter of a few moments she carefully sat up,breathing low and fast, and took a note of her unfamiliar(?) surroundings. The thing she balanced on was completely smooth and cold, like metal, and dots speckled the jet black sky above, apparently stars of some kind. All the surrounding trees were as black as the sky and nearly the same, with pruned semicircle clumps of leaves on perfectly straight branches, which jutted out from the 'bark' at random intervals.A reddish glow emanated softly from in front, accompanied with (probably) voices, which was a good sign of civilization (but not necessarily a civil one). She was alone as well. And her appearances did not feel right; she couldn't control her tail, or her wings, just something coming from her head (maybe antennae?) and the usual limbs:her arms,legs,hands and her feet.

Gala stared at her hands in alarm. They were long enough to encircle her body and their colour was pure black, and shaped like a stickman's with circles at the end. No fingers...but she could still feel them.Gala swallowed, and stared at her legs. Also long and stickman-worthy, with little sharp ends.She wiggled them,thinking that it was very,very creepy. What else?

Oh. Right. The two antennae thingies on the top of her head. Gala slowly reached out and waggled them. They felt fluffy and four-tined.

Great! I appear to be a moth.

Gala looked down apprehensively, eyeing the long drop.

If i'm a moth...then i could fly off!

She nearly tried this newfound idea,leaning forward, ad tensing, before to pausing to think.

Wait!... I appear to have only vestigial wings, and four limbs.....I cannot fly, neither am i a moth.

The orange glow in the west shifted in a way so that it hit her right eye. Gala blinked, irritated.She blinked both of her eyes at once.


She put a hand on where her left eye would be, and blinked. In response, the eye her hand was on struggled to droop down. She removed her hand with horror, and felt all around. She found she possed a single, huge eye which her limbs were connected to.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now