#.16.#Patapon2-Dahnles (finis omnium secretorum): DEATH AND ALL HIS FRIENDS

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Murphy was faster.

While the dragon was acting rather like melting ice, the cat shot across the floor with his legs as long as they would go with each stride.

Masterrrr, he growled, and clambered rather clumsily on top on the chains. He put a paw to her head and sniffed the still Tineapon. Why didn't you tell me? he said, still with that rough tone. Is it not that important?

"what..what is?" said Dahnles in a slurred tone, draped over the sill.

You stupid dragon! Is this honour to Gullyinn? Or to your Patapon Almighty?

"What? No!" This stirred Dahnles, and he leaped nimbly over the stone, then also ran over to Gala. He put his paws on the cold metal chains and nudged her with his snout and gurgled. "What was i supposed to say?"

Why? whispered Murphy.

"Why what?" quavered the dragon, starting to fear the worst.

Wasn't she acting funny?

"No. She was completely okay."

Why do you think she lagged behind when you went off to battle?

"I dunno."


"RRRR," growled Gala ominously. Her eye half-opened.

OH Gullyinn! squeaked Murphy. and he stepped back. Patapon form, Dahnles!

"But how-"

Dahnles stopped when Murphy gave him a shove. The cat was not a very strong character normally, but the fight-or-flight switch had been turned on so now he had enough power to topple Dahnles.

Again, those leaves shot out of the ground and passed very briefly over the dragon, now in his place was a spread-eagled disgruntled Robopon."Uf."

"Hey there," said someone rather in a rather shy tone.

Dahnles turned as still as marble.

"Mow," said Murphy, and pawed her forehead. Gala laughed lightly."I guess i'm alright."

By now Dahnles had gotten into a sitting position and was squinting while using his hand to shield his face, as if he was facing the sun." Uh-duh," he said- yeah, very smart.

Murphy mewled like a kitten, and the chains around Gala's sides rustled. She frowned. " I seem to be stuck."

Her confused tone seemed to tell Murphy everything, who broke down. The cat started crying and Gala blinked. "Was it something i said?"

Dahnles noticed that Gala had this note of confused, delicate sadness that the Gala before had never had before. And she would never say Hey there like that to Dahnles (no matter how much he wanted her to). She would have said something along the lines of, It took you long enough, Stupid Big Hands.

"Are you an imposter?" he asked rather stupidly.

It took some site of Dahnles feeling even more stupid and Gala narrowing her eye until she finally answered," I should know what imposter means."

But Gala knows every single word in the....

Stop this idiocy. Murphy raised his head from his regal position. She is Gala- but why didn't you tell me?

Dahnles was saved from the pain of answering when Gala replied (thankfully looking at the cat) "Tell what now?"

Murphy pressed a paw to his temple. Draco interfectorem, he whispered, impossibly soft.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now