#.17.#Patapon2FINAL-Dahnles(It's Over,The End): LITTLE TALKS

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The tuxedo queen was draped on the two horns on his helmet like a mink boa, with her paw pressed to his forehead and purring like a motorboat with a tail curled into a U. To add to that Murphy was also on top, as rigid as a granite statue. If Dahnles were to poke him he was sure that the cat would be so startled that he'd tie himself into knots.

If i were to poke you you would have a big hole for a souvenir, sniffed Murphy.

"Point taken," agreed the patapon.

They-or rather,Dahnles, for the two cats were sitting on him- were trying to navigate the labyrinth passages and tunnel ways of the blinding white marble castle, which was a whole lot noted bigger than it appeared on the outside. There were doors here, a staircase there, a locked chest there, and pictures on the walls with a bunch of Xs on them with no apparent shape or order and it reeked of sugar. What sort of a castle this intimidating smelled like sugar?

The reason they couldn't get out from the window again was because it had tightened horribly around Dahnles when he tried to hop out of it like a lasso, and the only reason they got out was that Gala had suggested (with some giggling)  to wriggle back inside, not out into the open like the trick for foiling Chinese handcuffs. Dahnles had no idea what a Chinese handcuff was.

Most of the time Gala had sang, and he felt like just sitting there in the middle of nowhere to listen forever, even though he got the notion that some were childish.

"The bed would make itself,

New books on every shelf,

Then i'd cast a spell



My pets would talk to me

Then we would all 

have tea

Create a pair of shoes

That know all the moves,

I'd always find the groove

feel the beat now

With the spotlight on

I'd twirl perfectly-"

Raising her voice, she raised her head slightly;

"If i had magic,


If i had magic

Magic, MAAAGIC!"

Nice performance, commented Murphy, swaying slightly from an unexpected hitch in Dahnles's stride. Gala rubbed a paw over her muzzle with an air of embarrassed but pleased intentions, her tail waving.

Leaving all this earthly things inside, Murphy's brow furrowed as some of the things Dahnles was thinking passed through the connection has keeping between him and Gala. His bottle-brush grey tail lifted until it was painful to lift it any longer and then slapped  back down on Dahnles, who hissed.


(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now