#.15.#Patapon2-Dahnles(Murphy Tells A Story): 30 LIVES

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In another Universal Plane, known as the Unicversal Plane, there was the big bang.

But instead of the sun twirling into existence, out came a dragon- Gullyinn Unicverse. She was the exact idea of a dragon goddess; what she look like depended on the viewer, but she was always green.

The colour of dragons.

Gullyinn was made with celestial powers and feeling- so it was...nobody knows how long, for the dragon queen had no acknowledgement of time.

It was some time before she had a feeling- the feeling of being alone. She wanted someone else to share the burden of actually being alive with...so she made a sister.


Godith was a bundle of determined curiosity and vulnerability. But Gullyinn had to take  a hibernation- Godith was a lot of work to create.

But before she did, Gullyinn had made a ball of rock with no apparent life which had stripes of land and water and she called it Eaert - the better Earth. It was so appealing to the young dragonet that she begged on her knees to get a tutoring for a planet.

Gullyinn did not cave in for fifty millennia. Her bones were tired and her power was used. But finally Godith got her to agree just to shut her up.

The result was Miarese- the worse Mars.

And then Gullyinn slept....and when the dragon queen woke up... she found her sister enveloped in a rule of tyranny over multiple species of creatures which were born from the dust of Miarese. This tragedy forced our Gullyinn into a furious flight, running away from her own sister in the fear that Godith would demand for her Eaert. She fled into the planet.

While she wept, she noticed that the sun was beating down on her so much that she created the atmosphere to protect her and later, us-i mean the dragons- but the heat was still nearly killing her.

The result was a tree,a weeping willow, to shade Gullyinn from the Sun. But it withered and died, so Gullyinn made it rain, but there was too much water now. Then came the grass- but it was so long and scratchy that she made - not dragons as you would think- rabbits to nibble it down. The rabbits multiplied so much that the lands were starting to become desert once more so she created foxes.

Now that the elements were in harmony, Gullyinn was overjoyed  and ran over the solid ground and swam in the seas and where ever she touched, life was made- the fish and coral and flowers and chickens-yum- and when her task was done Gullyinn retired to to her tree, watching her creations play.

But not everything lasts.

Godith found out about her sister's flourishing life and success on Eaert and wanted to take the plant for herself. She flew down to Eaert and demanded to her shocked sister that she hand it over.

And Gullyinn cried.

She cried. She cried and cried and cried and cried and cried and where her tears touched the Eaert dragons sprung forth and ran away chattering.

Only then did Godith see her sister's pain and that relieved her of her evil, but it was too late..her sister had already turned into stone.

The rock was not really rock but a mix of crystals-painite,alexandrite,tanzanite, benitoite,poudrettite,grandidierite, red diamonds, musgravite, jeremejevite (knows as blue glassite to dragons), and red beryl. These are all the rarest minerals on Earth but on Eaert crystals are very common.

Godith also wailed her head off but she could not bring back her sister...but then the dragons collected around and dropped their own tears, one at a time, on the statue- and Gullyinn came to life. She pardoned her sister and brought all the Miarese creatures to Eaert, and made a lair in the Sun. Godith made one on Miarese, in the core and both sisters shared the Moon , seeing it to be more valuable.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now