#.12.#Patapon2-Gala:COME LITTLE CHILDREN

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At first this chapter would be really short-around 600 words only- but then i said," No lets be nice." and raised to 1899 words (including this text).


Gala flagged her tail high as she padded easily across the grounds she had become so familiar with the past few days. Her cat form was one of her easier ones.

She had still lost yesterday when she stepped in to help, but the patapons,heartened by the return of their Almighty, immediately endeavoured to do it all over again.If it hadn't been for Meden, who pointed out the it was usually the Almighty who sent them off on missions, it would have been so. Gala was thankful for the interruption; she was tiiirreedd.

To prove her point,Gala yawned and paused to rub a paw over her face.At once, a sudden, shooting pain like a door being slammed on her tail hit her, and she randomly jumped five feet into the air, did a frontflip,and landed unceremoniously on her back. She hissed.

She got up into a more dignified standing position, and glared at the intruder who had stepped on her sensitive appendage. He was currently busy laughing his head off, but shut up as a pebble plinked off the mask.

"You embleer fox!" Gala's hackles rose and she hissed again."Stupid stinking cockle-crier!"

"You can talk?"

Plink. "hhh! Oh my Gullyinn! A talking moron!"

Gala usually thought back at this moment where she completely lost her cool.

"Oh?You gonna report to Meden? Yeah,no. I know you, MacOrange, and the last thing you would do is go traipsing around and saying, EEEE I FINDS A KITTY! NO. You couldn't lift the boulder without 'breaking the seal'. What the heck is a seal? Are you telling me it was glued to your back? GURK.MY BACK IS KILLING MEEEE.UNHHHHH. SHUT.UP! I was tryyyinng to freaking help and you gave me some ego; 'Is that all you've got'? STUPID! Maybe i should'a let that Dodonga eat you up but i feel bad for the poor dinosaur because you're so FREAKING SPOILED. STUPID. And when you say, there's nothing to attaaaack! I KNOW WHAT THE FREAKING GULLYINN I'M DOING SO SHUT UP. AND STOP TELLING ME TO ATTACK KUWAGATTAN DUDE HE WAS TAUNTING ME ON PURPOSE AND THE LAST THING I COULD STAND IS YOU SAYING,'hurr durr durr don't be a coward.' OKAY I WON'T BE A COWARD GO AHEAD AND DIE YOUR HEAD OFF WHY THE HELL SHOULD LITTLE GALA CARE?"

The cat started pacing back and forth, her tail lashing.

"SERIOUSLY. Where have your brains gone? I need to purchase you a NEW SET. Why did we have to get stuck with you?Why?Why? You freaking Rowsby Woof with no master. Whyyyyyy? Why couldn't we all have Seren instead? You know? The poor Robopon Fumya with the Pokapoka mask?NO? WELL I DO BECAUSE HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO LISTENS AND ALMOST DIES BUT DOESN'T COMPLAIN."

Gala stopped and sat with her tail curled over her paws and her head hanging.She was shaking from that adrenaline rush and closed her eyes and sighed. When she was feeling better, she lifted her head and to see him still standing stock-still.

"Did i just say all that?"

He nodded mutely.

"Oops." said Gala in a rather small voice. "Well it was nice meeting you in person.Goodbye." She fled from the scene to the forest.

And thus Gala's secret was out.


Once again the cat was strolling across the ground at night. She had just went on a hunting mission on Mount Gonrok and found a Motsitsi and was so surprised that she dropped the beat, earning a collective 'Huh?' which scared the bird. But she also noticed that, the whole time, the Hero was rather skittish and silent and kept looking at either the sky or his surroundings. Gala had taken care to stay hidden.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now