Untitled Part 24

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This was supposed to be  aprt of another story called A Trophy Dragon's Trophy Treasure. I wrote that when i was 11.

-much older me


A sinking rope of scales curled past the trees,to slither among the bark and drag across the ground as the master of the tail jogged past with clicking ivory claws- a fleeting memory of white dragon with white sails raised and breaths quick and shallow.

A dragoness was searching for treasure to add to her lair.

The dragon's love of shiny things stems from the fear of being stabbed in their 'Achilles heel', the unprotected belly famous for being stabbed by knights in their quest of valour to save a maiden in distress (favourite of a desperate dragon because of the human's tendency to wear jewels).The jewels stick to their soft skin, offering some protection from an invading substance such as a sword. And dragons are like magpies- clever and adept at taking gold from others, having grown to love the substances and the way they sheen and glitter in their eye.

They judge each other by the wealth they have stored away like humans, but they do not sell their treasures for other fancy flights- say, a satin dress partial to a vixen or a citrus for a sapphire envied by a drake, unless it is the month of trading ( July- August).

Her pulse in her neck could almost be seen, slight but throbbing as she swung her head back and forth to find the distinct metal scent of a gem worth keeping. But our dragoness was tiring, her pace slowing to a walk with a bowed head- she had already traveled many a mile in search of her goal and nothing had been sighted.

And in the climax of her unhappiness, the familiar glow in her chest alerted her to something....something she wanted;wanted to keep for herself. A trinket just over there by the two willows which was just waiting to be found and either eaten up or taken off with.

And it was alive.

And it was hers.

It would have been, if not for the black prince drake with the brown tipped scales standing over her prize. His eyes widened slightly when he saw her.

"I don't fight females."

"Well, now you shall." she replied confidently.Her pebble scales rustled like the dying leaves in autumn.

Turning around to meet her fully,"If i lose you won't gain anything," he warned. "I don't fight commoners."

She thought about this, glancing away into the shadows of the trees. Why did she want to fight a larger dragon for a small treasure she hadn't even seen?

Because she wanted it.

"If i win you won't gain anything," she said in the same tone, her lowered herself to the ground slightly." you big leech."

Like the young vixen wanted, the drake was very easily aggravated and leapt at her immediately, his paw outstretched and bat wings unfolded. Apparently the dragon was not used to being fought because of his high status, and he was still young anyways. But our white dragoness was used to slashing viciously for her sustenance, and made a motion with a finger- a 'bring it on'. She sidestepped His Clumsiness, jumped to his open flank and drew back a paw to slap him hard upside the head, which landed soundly.

He stared at her, astonished, and waddled backwards with his wings now only half opened, his scales glittering like gems which did not appeal to her in the slightest.

The young female judged males on their fighting skills and their honesty- and had such a highly raised bar that no drake had ever succeeded to reach past that level. Not that she was sought much- but the dragoness rebellioned hard against the stronger males and their status.

(unedited)The Six of Worlds( a mash of my fav stuff) *written when i was 9*Where stories live. Discover now