episode 1✨

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A girl is standing in the balcony in front of her classroom.. She's wearing a black knee length round gown with white border, black jeans, white sneakers and a black hijab around her head.. She is looking around the campus of her university with a adorable eyes.. Her dark brown eyes is so beautiful to admire.. Everyone admires her beauty but she admires Allah's creation... She was so engaged to admire the beauty of nature then her friends came up from nowhere and keep her hand on her shoulder.. She is aware of who can be the person put hand on her shoulder that's why she didn't surprised and turned towards her.

She smiled towards her and said, "oh my dear moon ,, your star be sacrificed on you.. What you wanna say? " her friend smiled and hugged her from side.. Then she told, " Shahanaj, Maliha told me that from today a new professor will take our Zoology class. "
Shahanaj pulled away from her and said with a relieved tone, " finally VC did something good.. We're in the 3rd semester and the previous One was so horrible.. May Allah bless us with a good one this time.. "

Her friend stand next to her and said, "my name is Luna.. But you always called me moon.. Why?? I was so curious from the beginning but forget to ask... " shahanaj pressed her lips in a thin line and spoke, " in Urdu Luna means moon.. You're really so dare to me just how the moon dear to the star.. That's why I always called you by your name meaning.. " Luna again hugged her but this time from back and keep her chin on shahanaj's shoulder and spoke, " in the sky there are many star but I always admire you.. My star.. My cluster of star.. "

They were so engaged to talk with each other but then their eyes fall on something.. They pulled out from each other and their eyes got reddish because of anger.. Then shahanaj spoke in anger, " now, they will find their real place.. "

Shahanaj's pov

I was just taking with my one and only bestie, then something caught my eyes.. A group of boys were harassing a girl.. Maybe they are new so they are not aware of the consequences of doing this.. When we saw those boys doing bad me and her pulled out of hug and make a fist and I spoke to myself, "now they'll find their real place,, "

We both come the ground and I came forward to them.. Then a boy poke his inner chicks and said, " uh ha, hijabi girl come as savior.. That's cool.. " I smirk and took some steps forward then spoke in a clam tone, " lil boy got too much gut to take back to me.. Umm what are you tryna do with her? " the another boy of them spit out and come toward me, a smirk is visible on his face, then he spoke, "wanna know or taste? " I maintain a devilish smile and make a eye contact with him.. He was looking so deeply into my eyes and yeah I got the chance.. I punched his face and he fall on the ground.. Then the other boys came up, I kicked ones ball, he groaned and fall on the ground.. And I can hear the students screaming, "oh ho,, after so many days we're witnessing her fight.. " I can clearly hear that someone said, " just wanna witness her this side, we should create more violence. " aish those jerks.. I was so satisfied to watching their condition, uff they are so weak.. Then one of them stood up in front of me, wiped the blood which is coming out of his nose then he was about to hold my hand but I was to fast to caught his hand and I twisted it.. He screamed in pain.. I laughed and said, "lil boy, drink some Horlicks or complain to grow up.. Or do gym to make biceps.. Or you'll be beaten up till your last breath.. I'm sparing you cause it's your first time, if I saw you again doing these then you'll met your death relatives in grave.. Mind it.. "

I let go of his hand wiped the dust from my clothes.. Then my moon come to me and patted my back.. I smiled towards her and she said, "super woman.. My super woman.. " hearing her words I chuckled and then we both left from there..

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