episode 5✨

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It was about two am.. Mrs Hussain is sitting beside shahanaj on a Stoll.. She is doing zikir while holding her daughter's hand and tears are following down of her eyes.. Mr Hussain is sitting on sofa which is placed in the corner of the cabin doing his zikir.. Jannat is walking back and forth in front of the bed praying to Allah.. She then stand beside her mother and spoke in low tone, "eomma, why aren't unnie opening her eyes.. Doctor told that she would get her sense within one or two hours but five our passed.. " a whimper left from Mrs Hussain's mouth.. She spoke in a shaky voice, "Allah please, gimme my child back.. If something happened to her I won't be able to bear the pain.. Please Allah, please. " tears are forming down non stopping from her eyes but her daughter didn't wake up yet..

On the author hand Jungkook was keep moving side to side on his bed.. He was unable to sleep.. Also he's feeling ache in his heart.. He tried to calm down himself but got defended.. Then he sat on the bed and spoke, " ya rab, what's going on?? Please tell me.. Is my dear is in danger?? I can't bear the pain.. Please ease my mind, give my heart peace.. Please.. " then he got out of the bed and went into the washroom.. Changed the clothes, did abolition and came out of there.. He took towel from the hanger and wiped his face and hand.. Took out the prayer mat from the cupboard and spread it in the direction of qibla.. Then he stood onto it and hanged his face lower.. He recite the dua and elevated his hand upto his ear while saying "Allahu Akbar. "

He's praying Tahajjud continuously and praying for his heart peace... He got up from prostration, settled himself on prayer mat.. Then he recite tassahud, durd sarif and dua'a masura and turn his head unto right henceforth left while saying "as salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. " afterwards he elevated his hands and spoke while whimpering, " ya rab, you gave me everything which I want or not.. You gave me family, friends, money, Lauxary or what not.. Howbeit, now I'm not in peace.. My mind is full of anxiety, my hear is aching a lot.. Is any of my love one got into trouble?? Is,, is my sun in pain?? Oh my rab you know what I fall for her within some days hence I want her in my life.. Please don't got angry to me, I beg to you.. If she's in pain, then please reduce.. Please ya rab, please... " he covered his face with his hands while sobbing hard..

Then he heard azan... He got up from prayer mat, ruffled one corner of it and walked unto the balcony..he inhales and exhales his breath and looks around with a painful gaze.. He waited there to finished azan...

Here in the hospital, she didn't got back her conscious yet.. Her mother and sister are still crying silently.. When they heard azan, Mr Hussain walked unto her wife and spoke in a low tone, " I'm going to the nearby Masjid.. You both stay and pray in this room.. I kept two prayer mats there over the couch.. " then he went out of the cabin... Mrs Hussain and Jannat did their abolition from the washroom which is attached to the cabin.. Then they spread their prayer mats and stood on it.. They recite dua and elevated their hands upto shoulder while saying Allahu Akbar..

Jannat finished her salah and zikir hence Mrs Hussain kept praying nawfal.. She got up and ruffled her prayer mat and kept it on the couch.. Henceforth she walked towards her sister's bed and found her laying figure.. Everything is like before, nothing changed.. She sat on the stoll beside the bed and sighed.. Within some seconds she found shahanaj is moving, she tried to open her eyes but got difficulties.. Jannat smile in pain and said, "Alhamdulillah.. " she said those words in little loud so her mother also heard and hurried unto the bed.. She also said, "Alhamdulillah" and a little whimper left her mouth... Jannat got up from stool and walked out of the cabin to called the doctor...

Shahanaj opened her eyes and saw her mother in crying mess.. She adjust her vision and gesture her mother to remove the oxygen mask.. In the meantime doctor came and checked her pulse, blood pressure and the oxygen level.. She found everything stable so she removed the mask .. Then she turned her gaze towards Mrs Hussain and spoke, "Alhamdulillah,, everything is stable.. Don't worry..I'll called the nurse to send some food here.. She need to eat... " the doctor smiles and left the cabin..

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