episode 18✨

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Within fifteen minutes shahanaj reached the hospital. The rain already stopped pouring.. She stopped her car and came out of it.. She went inside the hospital and walked along the receptionist.. She knocked over the table and the receptionist girl elevated her gaze at her and spoke, "how can I help you?" Shahanaj wiped her tears and spoke, " I came with a patient.. And need the best treatment for him.at any cost I want the best doctor to treat him."

The receptionist girl blinked her eyes for several times and spoke with an assuring tone, "don't worry mam. We'll give our best." Then the girl called some ward boy and those boys came with stretcher.. Shahanaj also came outside with them.. Then they took jungkook out and laid over the stretcher.. While taking him out his phone fall down from his pocket.. Shahanaj collect it and took her bag from the back seat and walked inside with jungkook..

Those boys took him inside the emergency room and then a doctor walked along the room.. Shahanaj took a seat in front of the room and prying her heart out so that jungkook recover soon.. She checked the time on her watch and it was four in the afternoon.. She looked at the emergency room door and spoke internally, "Ya Allah, what happened suddenly??Just have mercy on him.. He's in pain.. And I can't saw him like this. I want him to be all cheered and happy..please do something and make him well." Henceforth a tear rolled down from her eyes..

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She isn't also feeling well.. Cause she isn't allowed to drenched in the rain.. Or she'll catch high fever and cold and her headache will be out of control.. Still she managed her and thought not to give up until he got his sense back.. Then she opened her eyes and took out her phone from her backpack..

On the contrary Luna just came out of the washroom while taking bath.. She stood in front of the dresser and took out the hair drier from the drawer.. And started drying her hair... She's in the middle of her work then she heard the phone ringing sound.. She stopped the dryer and picked up the call..

~ as salamu alaikum, star..
~ walikum us salam.. Where are you moon?
~ hei what happened with your voice?? Are you in trouble??
~ I'll tell you.. Just come to the City hospital and bring an abhaya for me..
~ tell me are you okay or not?
~ I'm okay.. Just come fast..
~ okay okay.. I'm coming..

She hanged up the call and dry her leftover hair.. Then she wore a gray parachute with a gray knee length corduroy shirt.. Then she tied his hair in a low bun and put a white medium scarf on her head and wore a white sneakers.. Henceforth she took her car key and came out of the room...

Meanwhile taehyung was driving towards Jeon mansion..he's wearing a pink shirt with  isla formal pant..his hair is little bit messy and first two button of his shirt is open..Then he thought to call jungkook.. He stopped his car in front a restaurant and took out his phone from his pants pocket.. He dialed jungkook's number. Within some seconds the call being received.

~ as salamu alaikum hyung..
~ Walikum us salam..

Shahanaj replied with a shattered voice.. Taehyung become shocked while hearing a girl voice and his eyes was about to popped out cause of surprise.. Then he spoke,

~ umm Ms, who are you ? It's my brother's number..
~ I'm shahanaj.. Mr jeon is now in the emergency room . I found him unconscious on the road so I took him in the hospital..

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat and he roam his eyes around. Then he noticed the wet road and reality hits him.. He became worried and said,

~ in which hospital?
~ city hospital..
~ okay I'm coming.

Rain the pain// JJK FFWhere stories live. Discover now