episode 21✨

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Author pov

It's about ten in the morning.. Jungkook is tying his show lace while sitting on the couch of the hospital cabin. Taehyung is walking back and forth, holding his phone being impatient. Jungkook finished tying his show lace and elevated his gaze, looked at taehyung and spoke with a poker face,

"Why are walking like this?"

Taehyung continued his walking back and forth and replied,

"I'm worried. Too much worried."

Jungkook crocked his eye brows and asked,

"Didn't you told eomma, appa that we were in your apartment with some of our friends to spend some times?"

Taehyung nodded his head in affirmation and said,

"I ain't worried about either you or me. I'm worried about jimin Hyung. Will he agree to go back with us? Will he stay with us? It's been ten years. Can you imagine, ten years."

Hearing taehyung's word Jungkook took a deep breath and hanged his head low, looking at the floor he spoke,

"Allah knows better. So let's look forward and witness what He wants to be happened."

Taehyung stop in his track, took a deep breath and sat beside Jungkook with a emotionless face. Then both of the brothers heard door knocking sound. Jungkook took a deep breath, clam himself down and shout littles,


Then both heard the knob twisting sound and the door went opened. Someone entered the room and closed the door. Took step towards the couch and stand in front if Jungkook. Jungkook noticed the abhaya which is burgundy colour. He elevated his gaze and their eyes meet.

His breath hitched and heart skipped a beat. So he diverted his gaze and spoke with a shaking tone,

"Shahanaj, you're here!"

Shahanaj smiled a bit while feeling his nervousness and replied while forwarding the tulip flowers Bouquet,

"Come here, to see you if you're okay or not. After all you're my respective professor."

She boldly mentioned the word respective professor and smiled internally. Hearing her words Jungkook ears became red in shyness even he couldn't find out the reason of feeling shy. Still he couldn't able looked at her so he thought to look aside to avoid her gaze.

Shahanaj understand his nervousness and thought to pour more fuel. She holds the bouquet in front of his eyes and spoke,

"How's this bouquet? Hope you like it. You know what I got this idea from my stalker. He gave me bouquet with a chit. Sorry but I couldn't manage time to write a well wishing letter to you."

Listening her words Jungkook chocked on the air and started coughing badly. Taehyung become Puzzled cause he didn't get what shahanaj is talking about and why Jungkook is reacting like this. He was on his thoughts then he heard shahanaj is saying,

"Mr taehyung, your brother is coughing. Patted his back and told him to clam down."

Taehyung nodded his head and rubbed jungkook's back. After a moment Jungkook become clam and heard laughing sound from his right side. He averted his gaze and saw Jannat is standing besides the couch while laughing like a maniac.

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