episode 2✨

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shahanaj pov

Me and my friend Fardin was so engaged to talk with each other.. He was about to say something but our department head and a tall man came inside our classroom..the man was wearing black suits underneath a white shirt with a red tie..maybe his height is 1.79 m..his skin is so fair,he has black doe eyes..i just could measure this much from far...Then the department head introduced him as our new Zoology professor.. Not gonna lie he's another sample of beauty of Allah's creation.. I could senses that some of my classmate was drooling over him.. It's none of my concern.. The department head told him to continue and went out of our class.. Mr Jeon was about start the class but stopped in the middle and came in front of me.. I elevated my head towards him and he spoke in a deep male voice, "um miss can you bring me my black note pad from my cabin? " I stood up from my seat and told him to wait a lil bit then I came out of the classroom..

Our classroom is the forth floor and luckily his cabin also in forth floor.. I hoped into the cabin and looked around the room.. It's fully decorated in black colour.. I walked towards the table while talking with myself, "is he love black this much?? Umm it's not bad though.. I also love black and look today in spite of sneakers I'm all in black . " I laughed a little and took the black notebook from the table.. I was about to turn left but a memorandum slipped from it.. I bent down and pick off the chit.. I confused while reading the chit..

Jungkook, don't forget to meet the girl in Dal.com Chaffee.. She'll be there in 4:30.. don't make her wait..Nowadays You're forgetting everything.. That's why I had to put this chit inside your note pad..

Your eomma..

I narrowed my eyes and spoke, "he has a date today.. But seems he's not so interested.. If he was then his mom won't slipped this into it.. Umm it's none of my business though.. " I put it inside and walked out of the room, after a minute I hoped into my room and handed him his notepad.. He smiles towards me and spoke, "thank you miss. Now you can take your seat. " I nodded and walked unto my seat and sat beside my moon.. Sir got onto the stage and spoke, "let's switch this lesson to introduction session.. " the students cheered up.. He's not so grumpy,and it's good though.. He started the introduction part from the last bench of 3rd row and here I was in the first bench of middle row.. Everyone was giving introduction and I was listening them silently.. Moment passed and it was our turns.. Luna stood up.. Professor Jeon told her to give her introduction.. Luna inhaled and exhaled.. Then she gave her introduction with a smile plastered in her lips.. Sir told her to sat down and she did.. He looked at me and immediately I stood up.. He tucked his hand in his pant pocket and moved a lil bit from back to front and spoke, "what's your name miss? " I spoke in a straight voice, "myself Shahanaj parvin. " he nodded his head and looked at me.. His blackish orbs met with my brownies one and he spoked with a deep voice, " unique one.. Can I know the meaning? " I nodded and said, "in Arabic shahanaj means glory of the king and parvin means cluster of stars.. " he hummed in response and I sat down.. In the mean time the bell rang.. Oh it's time to go to the library.. Professor Jeon collect his all belongings and left the class room.. I looked at Luna and spoked, "is my name is that much uncommon to ask the meaning? " she laughed a little and said, "maybe he found this name cute to ask the meaning.. " I tilted my head and grab my bag, put it on my left shoulder, took her hand and said, "it's time to treat us with devotion. " she got up and we left for library...

Jk's pov
I just came into my cabin, kept the belongings on the table, remove my coat and keep it on the chair and took my seat on the couch which is kept in my cabin.. I was just looking nowhere, my mind was full of her thoughts.. Her straight answer, confident movement, her walking style, the expression of her face while taking everything mesmerized me much..her pale skin whih brown almond eyes,pink lips are cherry one top..And the most interesting part of her is her name meaning.. She glow like sun but her name meaning is star. Isn't it much funny?? I was so succumbed into her thoughts then I heard Duhar Azan.. I snapped out of my thoughts and got up from the seat.. I folded the sleeves of my shirt and walked unto the washroom,took out my shoes,then I did my abolition and came out of the washroom.. I wiped my mouth and hand, then I took my prayer mat from the cabinet, spread it in the direction of qibla.. I stood on to it and started my Duhar prayer..

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