episode 9✨

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Hearing her words Jungkook chuckled and replied, " cause you're a living sun.. And I loved the way you're.. Henceforth I can spend the rest of my life admiring you're eternal beauty without even blinking.. "

Shahanaj scoffed and replied with a monotonous face, " don't you ever dare to get over me or you'll gonna meet you're departed relatives very soon.. I just hate boys.. They just flirt around and Don't know how to love .. How to respect women.. "

Jungkook locked his eyes with her and spoke while smiling, " look into my eyes and you'll find a whole damn black whole .. Once you'll drown into it your perspective will change.. When you can get a man , then why are you Tensed about boys?? "

Shahanaj look back and forth into his eyes and feel something in her heart which she never ever feel in her life... She gulped down her saliva and ignore the matter.. She hit him with a book which was in her hand and Jungkook winched in pain.. She rolled her eyes and spoke, "stop talking nonsense and drove off.. Or we'll be late.. "

Jungkook become shocked with her behavior and spoke to himself, "such a big ice cube .. I've to put more heat to melt it.. First I've to calculate the temperature of her ice ness.. Is it -4°C or more than it?? If it is more than I've to put more heat than optimum temperature... You Jeon Jungkook, she's hard to handle but you're a real man, so don't back off. "
Then started the engine and drove off towards the university... The whole drive was pin drop silent.. None dare to speak.. Shahanaj the one who's not so interested in man.. In her perspective none is of her choice.. Jeon Jungkook the one who's trying to find how to melt her and make some places in her heart..

After sometimes they reached the university.. Jungkook stopped his can inside the garage.. Shahanaj got down of the car and bent down on the level of the car window.. Then she spoke , " Jazakallah, professor Jeon.. " she smiled and left the place... Jungkook remained astonished seeing her smile.. How pretty she looks while smiling..

Jungkook looked at her disappearing figure and spoke, " sun, please smile bright every time and make my day more beautiful.. And I promised I'll do everything which make you smile.. " then he elevated his eyes upto sky and spoke, " ya rab, you're to bestest of best.. alhamdulillah for today.. "

The he lowered his gaze and removed his seatbelt.. Got down of the car and locked the door.. Then he walked inside the campus with full of happiness...

How playful our life is! Sometimes it's make us happy, sometimes sad.. Once in a way we feels like neither happy nor sad.. And that's how our life going...

Shahanaj went to the campus field and met Luna.. She smile brightly and said to her, "my beloved moon, how are you?? " Luna hugged her and replied, "oh my cluster of stars, I'm doing well, alhamdulillah.. Tell me about your condition.. " shahanaj broke the hug and look into her eyes, "alhamdulillah, but I remembered my Ame.. " shahanaj's smile faded away and Luna understand the situation of her mind so she spoke to cheered up, " oh star, I forgot to tell you something. " shahanaj narrowed her eyes and asked, "what?? "

Luna put her head on shahanaj's shoulder and spoke, " did you forget about maliha's bday?? " shahanaj's eyes widen and she replied, " wallahi how can I forget.. Oh no one days left for her b'day.. What to buy?? " Luna smiled eternally that she's succeed to make her forget about the horrible memories.. she pulled herself from shahanaj and spoke, " what about some halal fictional book?? She loves to read, right?? "

Shahanaj's eyes sparked and replied, " moon you're the best. Okay we'll buy books for her.. " Luna nodded and spoke to herself, " still she's childish from inside but feared to show... I want so badly that someone come into her life and changed her perspective and give all the love to her.. " Luna exhaled her breath and spoke, " okay, let's go now and pretend like we didn't remember anything.. " shahanaj smiled and nodded her head as agreement..

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