episode 23✨

444 53 13

Author pov

Days passed. Every thing is on it's flow. Everyone is busy with their life. Still enjoying. Cause our life is short in this world. So we should cherish every moment and make it enjoyable. Moreover today is Eid-ul-fitar. After fasting for one month this day comes with lots of pleasure.

It's about 6:30 in the morning. Shahanaj came out of her room after praying salah and reciting Quran. She walked downstairs and entered the kitchen. Her mother Mrs Rohema Hussain was working there, preparing some sweets. Shahanaj went to her and hugged her from behind, kept her chin over her shoulder and spoke with a gummy smile,

"Eid Mubarak eomma."

Mrs Hussain cupped shahanaj's one cheeks with her hand and replied with a smile on her face,

"Eid Mubarak my star. May Allah keep you all happy and cheerful like this."

A chuckled left from her mouth and she pulled herself from the hug, stood beside her mother and roam her eyes around. There is lots of ingredients which will be used for making sweets. Her eyes lit up in happiness while seeing this. Notwithstanding this happiness didn't last longer. Mrs Hussain feel her silence, so she turned her face unto her daughter and cupped her cheeks with both hands while saying,

"Don't worry, eomma will prepare sugar free sweets for her precious daughter. Now give me a smile."

Without wasting a second shahanaj hugged her mother tightly and spoke,

"Eomma you're the best. I love you so much.i love you so so much."

Mrs Hussain laughed a bit, rubbed her back and said,

"How childish! I can't believe you'll be 24 soon."

Then Mrs Hussain heard shahanaj's giggling sound, so she pulled herself from hug and put her hand over shahanaj's head, which is covered with prayer scarf, and spoke,

"Now go and help your father to get ready for Eid salah. Don't you want Eidi?"

Shahanaj nodded her head like a little babe and cupped her mother's cheeks. Then she leans along her forehead and place a soft kiss on mother's forehead. After that she pulled herself and ran out of the kitchen while saying,

"Mrs Rohema Hussain, I'mma gonna robbed your husband."

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

Jungkook is sitting on the couch of the living room with a straight face, Jimin and Taehyung is also sitting besides him. Zayna is standing behind Jimin and Sayed is standing aside Taehyung with his iPad in his hand. Mr Jeon is sitting on the couch which is facing them and Mrs Jeon is standing aside him.

The whole living room is full of silence making the situation more Tensed. Jungkook is out of clue cause he is totally unaware of the ongoing situation. He's just observing everyone's facial expressions but couldn't able to catch what's exactly going in their mind.

"Sayed how many times I've to tell you not to stand like a bamboo?"

All of a sudden Taehyung uttered those words while looking at Sayed with a pissed look. Sayed gulped down his saliva and looked at Mr Jeon. Then he replied,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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