episode 12✨

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝗼𝘃 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

After thirty minutes, rain stopped pouring... Then a van entered the house area.. Hearing that honking sound shahanaj elevated her gaze and saw some police was coming towards them... She covered Ame's head by using the veil which was in her body.. The police officer stood in front of them and spoke with a straight voice, "excuse us mam, please let us take her. " Shahanaj look at them with a fierce eyes and spoke, "who told you to come here?"  The officer replied, "someone from the house no. 18 called me and told that he saw someone who jumped from this building. Now, please co-operate with us and let us take her ..cause we've to do postmortem to know the actual reason.." Shahanaj looked at Ame's face and then again looked at the officer and spoke with a straight voice, "call Mr Hossein and told him to come here." Police officer narrowed his eyes and replied, "Are you talking about the well known businessman Mr Jahangir Hussain?" Shahanaj didn't waste any second and spoke, "yes, I'm talking about him.. Now please call him and told him that shahanaj want him to come here within half an hour.."

The police officer nodded and do what she said.. Within half and hour Mr Hussain came there and gasped while seeing his daughter with a body and some of the police was also presented there.. He rushed towards them and stopped in her track when he saw the area was fully bloody even the swimming pool was looking like a bloody pool and shahanaj was soaked in blood.. Then he noticed that bead figure and his heart skipped a beat.. Cause he used to love ame as his own daughter.. Then he spoke in a shaking voice, "star how all this happened?" Hearing Mr Hussain's voice shahanaj elevated his gaze and and looked at him with a teary eyes.. She stood up from the ground and hugged her father... Tears rolled down from her eyes which she was holding for hours... Mr Hussain trying to comfort her but he was wordless.. Cause he also got shocked by this incident...

Shahanaj pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes and spoke, "Appa told them not to take her to the lab cause I don't want any man to touch her or saw her.. She had died it doesn't mean they will touch her or saw her.. And I want every members of this family in jail within one hour... Used your all power and do whatever I said... How cruel they are.. A girl jumped from their rooftop and none of them came out.. Huh?? How could they be much relax while murdering a innocent girl... Appa, do whatever I said please.. It's my earnest request.." Mr Hussain put his hand on her head which was covered with hijab and give her an assuring gesture as not to worry about the matter and he'll handle everything..

Then the police went to the house and broke the door... They found a man in his thirties on his bed and sleeping peacefully.. Police officer wake him up and took him out of the house... The man was angry with behavior of the officer and shouting at them.. Then the police officer stopped in front of ame's body and said, "now tell me how all this happened??" The man narrowed his eye brows and replied with a monotonous tone, "how I'll know, cause I was sleeping.." Shahanaj got angry and slapped him hard.. Then she said, " how dare you Mr Siam?? Don't you know how all this happened or I'll spit the truth.."  The guy named Siam scoffed and replied, " if you know then spit out.. But please lemme go, I didn't do anything.."  Shahanaj hold his hair tightly and said with a greeted teeth, "I saw you pushed her from the rooftop and I knew the reason why you do this.. So don't try to be innocent.. If you tried or not but I'll send you jail and make your life hell.. But for now I'll spare you cause I've to look after my ame.. I can't hurt her.  Right?? "

She let him go and looked at his father.. Then two of the police came with a bag and one of them said, "Sir we found some of the pieces of broken glass, some of the bottle of Fensedil and slow poison..and there we also found a hand written letter..if you say then I'll read loudly.. " police officer nodded and the constable started reading the letter,

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