episode 17 ✨

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A man who's age is around 27 came out of the washroom wearing a gray sweat pant and tee-shirt while rubbing his black wet hair with a towel.. Then he stepped into the balcony and put the towel over the stand.. He started roaming his eyes around the hotel Outario area... The evening gentle breeze is touching his circle or oval shaped face. He closed his almond shaped eyes to feel the sensation of the coolness.. Then he parted his heart shaped pink lips and spoke, "Ya Allah, I need nothing just you.. Always help to achieve my goal and let me make my parents proud."

Thenceforth he opened his eyes and walked inside his room.. He stood in front of the dresser and looked at his tanned skin through the mirror and started applying some moisturizer.. Then he heard the door knocking sound.. He checked his face for the last time in the mirror and walked along the door to open it..

When he opened the door he saw his secretary and let him come inside.. He gestured him to sat on the couche and the secretary did as he signaled to do.. The man also sat besides his secretary and spoke, "why are you here in this time, Sayed?? Didn't I tell you to roam around the Tokyo city and enjoy yourself." The man named Sayed nodded his head and replied, "yes younger Jeon you said.. But I'm here for some work which Mam Jeon told me to do."

The man who is mentioned as younger Jeon narrowed his eyes and spoke, "you're my secretary.. And you'll do what I'll tell you.. Then why my mom is between us?" Sayed laughed awkwardly and handed him his iPad and spoke, "please this time select one.. I really work hard to get information about them.. And they are from aristocratic family..please don't say no this time.. Or Mam Jeon Wil sue me.."

Younger Jeon took the iPad and scrolled up the gallery.. There are many pics of girls with their bio data.they are truly belongs from aristocratic family and they are studying in different famous university.. Some of them are studying abroad.. He just saw all the pic and returned the iPad.. Sayed looked at him with a hope but his hope faded away.. Younger Jeon looked at him and spoke, "they are not my type.. Jeon Taehyung want something else like more modest.. didn't you watch my eomma?? If I marry someone then she have to be like her or like Zayna nonna.. Or else I won't marry.. Now go and enjoy yourself.. I'll handle my mom.."

Sayed took the iPad and stood up from the couch.. Then he gave Taehyung a pity look and went out of the room.. Taehyung also stood up and closed the door.. Then he checked the time and saw twenty minutes left for ifter. So he ordered some food using intercom and went to washroom to do ablution..


On the contrary it's about nine in the night.. Shahanaj came down stairs and found her parents and jannat is sitting on the couch gossiping about something.. She went near them and took a sit besides her mother and hugged her from the side.. The she put her head over her mom's shoulder and spoke, "what's the topic you're talking about?" Mrs Hussain smiled a bit and spoke, "we're talking about professor Jeon.. He's such a sweet and humble guy.."

She narrowed her eyes while hearing her mother then she diverted her Gaze towards her father when she heard her father saying, "yes, Rahima. In this generation it's difficult to find someone like him.." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath then spoke to herself, "humble & sweet is my foot.. He's such a creepy guy who stalked me everywhere.."

Mr Hussain noticed her all being silent so he fake coughed to gain her attention.. Hearing his cough shahanaj opened her eyes and looked into his eyes and spoke, "wanna say something?" Mr Hussain nodded his as a negative gesture and replied, "nothing , let's go and have dinner.." Shahanaj nodded her head and stood up from the couch.. She looked at his mother and spoke, "eomma let's go." Mrs Hussain shock her head and both mother daughter went to the kitchen..

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