episode 22✨

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Author pov

Jungkook and Taehyung are sitting on the couch while waiting for Jimin and Zayna inside the cabin. All of a sudden they heard the knob twisting sound and the door opened.. Then zoya entered the room and run towards Jungkook while saying,

"Dadda, I'm here."

A sweet smile formed onto jungkook's lips while hearing her voice. Then he stood up from his seat, took some steps unto zoya and stand in front of her. Then he sat on his knees and spoke,

"My Farhah, princess how are you?"

Hearing his questions ,zoya made an angry pout and turn her face aside. A chuckle left from Jungkook's mouth seeing her being angry. Still zoya is looking so pretty. Then Jungkook put his left hand over her right shoulder and cupped her cheek with his right hand and faced her unto him. He smiled a bit and spoke,

"Why princess is angry?"

Abruptly zoya hugged his neck , putting her head over his right shoulder she spoke,

"Why didn't you take care of yourself? Didn't I said you to be careful towards own self?last night, when mamma told be that you're sick, do you even know how much worried I was?"

Jungkook's lips formed a small smile while hearing zoya's words.. She's just in the age of four but she could understand others sorrows and sufferings. The way she's talking now just like an adult person. If anyone heard her none will believe that she's just a kid. The way she's caring about him making jungkook emotional and left him speechless. A tear also rolled down from his eyes and he spoke while patting her back gently,

"Princess, don't worry, from now dadda will take care of himself. Now don't be angry."

Zoya nodded her head and pulled out from the hug. Jungkook stood up from the floor and picked her in his arms. Zayna and Jimin were looking at them with adoration while standing bit far from them. Then they took some steps towards jungkook, taehyung also stood up from the couch and stand besides jungkook.

Zoya noticed Taehyung and opened her arms as the gesture of hugging him. Taehyung picked her on his arms and kissed on her cheeks. Zoya giggled and also kissed his cheeks. Then she spoke,

"Uncle Tae, did you forget about my toys?"

Taehyung laughed a bit and pinch her nose softly then replied,

"On the way of home, we'll visit toy store."

Zoya nodded her head and kissed him on his cheeks. Taehyung showed her his body smile and kissed on her forehead. Zayna and Jimin was looking at them with adorable eyes. Henceforth Jimin put his hands over Jungkook's shoulder and spoke,

"Then go home with Taehyung and take care of yourself. Remember that if something happens to you then all of us along with someone special will be heart broken..and won't be able to hold herself from breaking into pieces."

Listening him, a chuckled left from jungkook's mouth. Then he locked his eyes with Jimin and spoke,

"Then let's go with me and taehyung to help me to get her in my life."

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