episode 6✨

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Jungkook pov

It was about 8 o'clock in the evening and here I'm in the house which my grandpa gifted me when I came in this earth.. And now I'm organizing it as her choice.. I know she's not aware of it and I'm also not sure of my fate hence I'm waiting for the best day to come...

I just finished organizing the ground floor room which I named as Albi's love.. Then I came out of the room and locked it.. I came up to the living room and found that caretaker uncle.. I thanked him and came out of the house.. I walked unto my car and hopped in.. I started the engine and came out of the main gate.. I slowed my car to say goodbye to the watchman then some thing caught my eyes..

The nameplate us shinning.. A chuckle left my mouth.. Then I say good by to the watchman and drove off.. It's take one hour to reached the destination.. I parked my car in front of a rose garden and came out of it.. I looked up to the sky and smile to see the beauty of the night sky.. Full moon with lots of star around the sky.. I lowered my gaze and walked further.. I stopped my track and stand under a tree from where I could be able to see my sun fully.. Haha I know it's giving some kind of creepy vibe but I can do this little to see my sun.. I really don't know if she would came out or not but I'll wait..

I waited for less 2 minutes and I saw her.. She came to the balcony.. Maybe it's attached with her room.. I maintain a safe distance that she couldn't see me notwithstanding I cause see her properly.. She's wearing a pink sweater and a black wool scarf is around her neck and she's wearing beanie on her head.. But her hair isn't visible.. Maybe she crest her hair..

Her face is glowing like a star under the moonlight.. A smile formed on my lips while seeing her.. She's watching moon with her beautiful brown eyes like a little child. . I know she looked like a stone from outside but she's a pure child from inside.. The fact is she shows her childish side to the ones she loves.. How I could be the love ones?? Many questions is forming inside my heart but matter if sorrow that I can't tell anyone about this instead of Allah..

I elevated my gaze up to sky and spoke, " ya rab, please show me some ray of hopes.. I'm going crazy day by day cause I fall for your beloved servant.. What should I do now, just tell me.. Filled her heart for me and destined her with me.. ya rab please... " I was just taking to my rab like a little child without noticing that she went inside..

For the last time I looked at the balcony then I started walking... I came to my car which is parked in front if the rose garden and hopped into it.. It's already 10 o'clock.. Maybe eomma is worrying about me.. Cause it's unusual to stay out till 10..i hopped into the car and spoke while starting the engine, " Jungkook, get ready to answer all the questions of your beloved eomma.. "

Author pov

Mrs Jeon is walking back to forth while worrying for his son.. It's unusual for him to stay outside till eleven.. Then he heard the honk sound and she saw Jungkook coming inside from the balcony..

Jungkook parked his car in the garage and walked inside the house.. He saw her mother coming down of the stairs with a mad look.. Jungkook smiled and walked unto his mother.. Henceforth he hugged her and spoke, "oh my beloved eomma.. How are you?? "
Mrs Jeon didn't reply.. Jungkook pulled out and look straight to her mother's eyes while spoking, " appa's darling is angry on Appa's beloved son.. Huh it's not fair. " Mrs Jeon replied with a poker face, "go and freshen up.. I'll talk with you while eating.. " Jungkook nodded his head as agreement..

He came up to his room, removed his jacket and placed it on the hanger.. Took out of his dress and went into the washroom for Freshening up... After doing his work he came out of the washroom and Stand in front of the mirror.. He's wearing stripped with trousers.. He combed his hair and came down stairs..

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