episode 4✨

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Author pov

Next day, Jungkook is getting ready for going to the university.. He's wearing squid ink color dress pant and coat underneath ivory color shirt with a onyx color tie.. Then he wore his rolex watch.. took his necessary belongings and come down stairs.. He found her mother sitting on the couch while watching news.. He come to her and stand in front of her.. He spoke while smiling, "I'm going eomma.. Take care of yourself.. If anything happen then appa won't spare me.. " she smiles and nodded her head while speaking, "take care of yourself.. Don't forget to eat your launch." He nodded and said, "Allah Hafiz." And come out of the house.. He went unto his car, sat inside it and spoke while stating the engine, "let's meet with sun again.. " he smiles and drove off..

He's about to went inside the university but a car passed him with a great speed .. He was driving behind the car, then the car stopped in the parking lot.. Jungkook also stopped his car there.. He saw a girl come down of the car, and she is none other than his sun. His jaw dropped seeing her in this attire.. She's looking so stunning..

She's wearing an obsidian black Cashmere fabric knee Length dress with a bishop sleeves.. There are some snow White floral threads work.. She's wearing jeans and hijab color matching with the floral threads work and a black sneakers.. As always there is no makeup in her face.. He's looking straightly towards her.. Then her bestie come up from nowhere and spoke, "oh my star is shining in the daylight.. Uff uff.. " shahanaj smile hearing her words and spoke, "and what about my moon, she's always shining if it is new moon or full moon.. " they both laughed..

Here Jungkook is so engaged to look at her forgetting to got down from the car.. He snapped out when his sun and her bestie gone from there.. He looked into the view mirror and spoke while smiling like a maniac , " you know what Jungkook your queen have two personalities.. She shines like a sun in the day and star in the night as per her name meaning.. And for sure you're going crazy over her within some days.. What to do now?? " he got down from his car and took his belongings, lock the door and walked unto his cabin..

The bell rang and all students went to their respective class.. Shahanaj and Luna went together and sat beside each other in the first bench of middle row.. She took out her book and notebook and started eyeing over Todays lesson.. At the mean time Jungkook entered the classroom and everybody got up from their seat as a respectful manner.. Jungkook gestured them to sit down and they did..

He got up on the stage and spoke, " As salamu alaikum my beloved students.. What we gonna learn today? " A girl named Maliha got up and spoke, " Sir, today we're gonna learn about the central nervous system.. " Jungkook smiles and spoke, "thank you... " and gestured her to sit down.. Jungkook kept his notepad on the desk, took out of his coat and ruffled his shirt sleeves upto cubitus and took the marker in his hand.. He elevated his gaze towards the student and started speaking, " the nervous system coordinates the organ and systems of the body, carries stimuli to different parts if the body, and maintain relationship with the environment by responding to body stimuli.. "

Shahanaj pov

When the bell rang me and Luna came to the classroom then I took out my book, notebook and started eyeing over them for todays lesson.. Then we all stood up when professor Jeon came into the classroom then he gestured us to sit down and we did.. He asked us what we gonna read today then Maliha stood up and told him about the topic named nervous system.. He smiled and thanked her.. Then he kept her things on the table, took of his coat and folded his shirt sleeves upto elbow.. To be honest I can't stop eyeing over his hand.. Every veins of his hands are popping up.. And this ivory color shirt suits him very well.. I'm so engaged looking at him and noticing his every expression.. He took out the pen cap using his lips like what the ___ ..he's looking so h***..Oh hei girl you're cursing,, it's haram don't you know.. Yah Allah I'm eyeing over my professor,, I'm sorry Allah, please don't hate me, okay?? Then I stopped looking at him and pay attention to my lesson..

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