episode 20✨

912 62 18

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"I don't think there is any other words in the dictionary which can express my fillings towards him. So love is the word to express it. In my thought it's not a crime to love someone in halal way, right?" Hearing her a chuckle left from jimin's mouth.. Henceforth he put his both hands inside the pant pocket and looked at the sky and spoke, "will you marry him?" Shahanaj lips twisted into thin line.. She smiled a bit and replied, "if my Rab wants the way I want him then why would I denied?" Jimin turned his gaze unto her and asked, "even after knowing the reason of his illness?"

Shahanaj shock her head and spoke, "you know what Mr Jimin, if I'm not wrong then he don't have any physical problem.. The problem he has totally it's all about mental health.. And I'll adjust myself and try my best to help him to be recovered.."

Jimin smiled a bit but he didn't showed it towards her.. The  he took a deep sigh and spoke, "then let me explain the reason of jungkook's illness."

𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤

It's about twenty two years ago. When jungkook was around seven years old boy.. That time jungkook and his whole family was in Busan.. Everyday he used to play in the ground with his friends in the afternoon at a park area which is about two hundred meters away from their house..

Like every day he was playing hockey.. Then one of his friends hits the ball and it went inside the forest area.. Everyone stopped playing and started discussing who'll gonna took it out and at a time discussion turn into arguments. So jungkook thought to go inside the forest and search for the ball.. If he finds then alhamdulillah it good.. But if he failed then he'll buy another one.

After that he walked inside the forest area and started finding the ball.. After ten minutes of searching he found himself in the deepest part of the forest and got scared a bit.. Still he didn't lose hope and thought to came out but something caught his eyes.. He stopped in his track and started observing his  surroundings.. Then he found a man is taking a girl with him.. He looked at him and thought for sometimes..

Henceforth he started following himm and found that he went inside a demolished building.. Jungkook  also went there without making any sound and stood beside the window.. And saw that the man put the girl who is unconscious on the floor and came out of the room.. So Jungkook hide behind a box and wait for him to go away.. When he saw the man is out of his sight he came out and walked inside the room..

He remove the handkerchief which is around her mouth and started shocking her body while saying, "unnie wake up.. We've to run out.. Unnie wake up." He tried for some minutes but it didn't work.. Then he searched for water and after searching for minutes he found a bottle.. He took it with him and came near the girl.. He opened the bottle cap and pour some water on her mouth to make her conscious..

Then he heard some foot steps which is coming behind him so he looked behind and his eyes meet with that man.. Seeing him jungkook gulped down his saliva.. That man's eyes was read and his face was looking so horrific which Jungkook couldn't take as a little boy.. Then the man started coming towards him and he was taking back steps to run out from the area but failed to escape.. The man caught him and tied him with the rope and make him sit besides a Almira..

Henceforth the man pour a bucket of water which he took with him over her body and the girl got her sense back.. That man smiles devilishly and tied her with tope and make her sit besides Jungkook.. Then he hold her cheeks tightly and spoke, "I won't let you live happily.. I'll give an atrocious death.." Hearing his threat the girl gulp down her saliva and tried to spoke but failed cause of immense pain.. After that the man looked at Jungkook and spoke, "after  sending her into the hell I'll also send you.. Don't worry." Then the man stood up and walked out of the room..

When Jungkook saw his departed figure he looked at the girl and spoke, "what's your name?" The girl looked at him and replied with a broken voice, "I'm Julia.and what about you little boy?" Jungkook smiled a bit and replied, "I'm Jeon Jungkook.. Will you tell me why that monster took you here?" Julia chuckled a bit and replied, "I'm here cause my death is calling me.. But why are you here?"

Jungkook hanged his head low and replied, "I came here to save you but__.. Do you have any idea how we can go out?" Julia nodded her head as negative .. Jungkook made a sad face and closed his eyes.. Then he started praying to Allah so that they could get out from the trap...

Many hours passed.. It about eight In the night.. The man came back and looked at them.. Jungkook looked at him into his eyes and spoke, " Mr please let us go.. If she did anything wrong still you don't have any right to give her punishment like death.. Cause only Allah can do this.." Hearing him that man sat in front of him on his knees and hold his cheeks tightly and spoke, " dare to say that again I'll burn your mouth.. "

Henceforward he looked at the girl and hold her to make her stand up.. Jungkook looked at him and spoke, "please don't hurt her. Please.." The man didn't care about his word and started dragging him front.. Then Jungkook heard thunder sound.. He look out side and saw the ray of electric light and again the thunder sound is heard.. He diverted his gaze upto the man and spoke, "please don't do this to her.. Death isn't something like funny game.. Please don't hurt her."

The man looked at him hearing his words and smiled like a psychopath and replied, "the more you'll request the more I'll give her pain.." Then Jungkook heard the thunder sound again and the rain started pouring heavily.. He saw the man hanged Julia while cuffing her hand and her leg was in the air.. Jungkook request that man again and again but nothing worked at all..

The man took out a sharp knife and stabbed her on his neck and the blood come out and touched jungkook's face.. Feeling the blood Jungkook closed his eyes and started screaming while saying, "don't hurt her please.. Don't hurt her.." But he only can hear the whimpering of her and the terrific laugh of him.. And those sounds started giving him goosebumps...

Henceforth he opened his one eyes and saw all bloody area and the man with the sharp knife is standing in front of him.. He got scared and closed his eyes and tear drops rolled down from his cheeks and he collapsed.. Before that he only could hear the raining sound..

The next day Jungkook opened his eyes and found himself into a hospital cabin.. When he eyed over the room he found his mother, father and his brothers. When he asked them how he came into the hospital they said that when Jungkook got missing they went to the police station and searched hin.. Then they came to know that Jungkook went into to forest area that's why they also searched there and found him with two death bodies.. One was the girl named juila who's murdered by the man.. And the other is the man who just attempted suicide.. And they found his unconscious figure there..

𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

Jimin took a deep sigh after explaining the horrible past of him and looked shahanaj.. Then he spoke, " can you imagine the scene which he witnessed at the age of seven.. That's why when rain started pouring he couldn't hold himself and collapsed.. We tried in many ways but couldn't able to do anything in this regard.." Shahanaj only nodded her head in response..

Jimin again took a deep sigh and asked her, "still you'll marry him?" Shahanaj took some steps further then she turned her gaze unto Jimin and spoke, " if he can be my medicine then why couldn't I? Just came with himself and surprise both us with marriage proposal.. Cause if he started waiting for that time when he'll get courage to talk with my father then he'll lost his medicine himself.. " after that she looked forth and walked out of the rooftop..

һᥲ⍴⍴іᥒᥱss іs ᥴ᥆mіᥒg ᥆ᥒ  і𝗍's sᥲᥡ.
ȷᥙs𝗍 һᥲ᥎ᥱ s᥆mᥱ ⍴ᥲ𝗍іᥱᥒ𝗍s...

Hei farasha take love.. ♡

Finally the most wanted chapter s here.. Hope you got the actual view of his problem.. Now stay tuned to know what will happen in next..

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