episode 10 ✨

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Mingyu heard the crashing sound and his breath hitched.. He knew that he had some issues with rain so he didn't waste his time and tracked jungkook's phone.. When he found out the location he hopped into his car and drove off..

After a while he found jungkook's lying figure on the road and he gasped.. He removed his seatbelt and went out of the car... Mingyu run towards Jungkook and saw some blood around his figure.. Mingyu removed his helmet and saw blood is streaming down from his nose and mouth.. Even from the ear... Mingyu halted on his spot while watching the bloody mess.. He didn't waste a second and picked him.. The car was besides him so he didn't get any trouble...

Mingyu opened the back seat and placed him there.. He sat on the driver seat and dialed a number.. The person received the call and mingyu told him to take the bike to his showroom and infrom the best doctor of the Seoul city.. Giving the person instruction he cut the call and started the engine.. Speed up the car and drove off towards the hospital...

Contrariwise, hearing shahanaj's screaming jannat run towards her room and found her sister's unconscious figure lying on the bed.. She gasped while seeing the situation and run towards her mother's room..

She knocked the door and her mother opened it.. She was fully crying mess, seeing her Mrs Hussain panicked and asked her in a shaking tone, "is my star ok?? Please spit out, is my star okay?? " jannat nodded in denial and burst out of crying... Mrs Hussain halted in her spot and covered her mouth with his hands.. Tears are forming down of her eyes... Jannat looked at her mother with her puffy eyes and spoke, " she collapsed. We need to take her to the hospital.. Hurry up mom, hurry up.. " Mrs Hussain spoke while sobbing, "Called the ambulance and then called your father.. " jannat nodded and run out of the room..

After a while ambulance arrived and they took Shahanaj in a stretcher and hopped into the ambulance.. Mrs Hussain and jannat went with her.. The driver tried his best to speed up ambulance and reached the hospital within short time in the rain..

About 20 minutes later ambulance stopped in front of the hospital and took the stretcher out.. Mr Hussain is already presented there.. Seeing the ambulance he run towards it gasped while seeing his daughter's vulnerable condition.. Nurses took her into the emergency room then the doctor went in..

Contrariwise mingyu stopped his car in front of the same hospital and went out of it.. He shouted and called the ward boy to take out a stretcher... Four of them come with a stretcher, mingyu opened the backside door and took out Jungkook.. His nose is still bleeding and blood is also coming from his mouth.. They placed him on the stretcher then mingyu spoke, " I already informed here that I need the best one to treat him.. Is he or she presented?? "

One of a ward boy nodded his head then they took him inside and went to the emergency room.. Coincidentally jungkook & Shahanaj rooms are beside.. In both room doctors are giving their best that they could regain conscious..

Jannat and Mrs Hussain are crying silently while waiting out of the emergency room and Mr Hussain is doing his ziqar and walking back and forth in front of the room... Mingyu also waiting in front of the room with a heavy heart.. He noticed Mr Hussain and walked towards him.. Mr Hussain elevated his gaze upto mingyu and spoke, " dear, do you need something?? " mingyu nodded in denial and asked, "you're seems very worried, is anyone in emergency room?? " Mr Hussain replied, "my daughter is in the emergency room.. Why are you here my boy? " mingyu lowered his gaze and spoke, " my friend met an accident and I took him to the hospital.. "Mr Hussain looked at him with a pained look and spoke, " where's his parents?? " mingyu replied with a pained look in his face, "I'll inform them when he'll gain conscious.. Cause I don't wanna them to see their son like this. "

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