episode 11✨

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**✿❀ 𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑣 ❀✿**

"Remove the coating of stones from my heart. Change my perspective. Make me Believe that not all men are the same. Not everyone knows how to meet needs, but many know how to love, make me understand... Please... "

Hearing her words jungkook halted on his spot... He couldn't digest the word she said... So he crocked his eye brows and said, "what do you mean?? Why your perspective is like that?? Is something bad happened to you?? " shahanaj turned her head other side and mentally face palmed herself and spoke to "wallahi what I said.. Aish.. "

Jungkook pulled the hem of her dress and she turned towards him.. He joint his eye brows and asked, "sun, tell me what you mean??" Her heart again skipped a beat hearing the nickname from mouth... She's trying her best to controlled her emotions.. She knew jungkook isn't an easy person who'll leave the matter easily so she thought to change the topic... She locked her brownies orbs with his dark brownie one and spoke in a low tone, "uhh, nothing just leave it professor Jeon... "

Jungkook nodded his head like a Obident person and thought not to make her uncomfortable... He jerked off his all thoughts and thought to continue the conversation casually... So he asked her, " you shine like a sun, then why your parents named you as stars?? " shahanaj broke the eye contact and looked at the sky, a small smile formed on her lips... Jungkook noticed that smile on her lips which makes him smile too. ..

Shahanaj turn her head unto him and again their eyes meet... Then she spoke, " basically I'm a winter baby.. When I was born the sun rays hadn't seen for the seven days.. Then how could my parents will named me as sun.. " saying this she brust out of laughing with her own logic... A chuckle also left from jungkook's mouth...

He spoke to himself while observing her eternal beauty, " it's your beyond imagination that how much I yearn to see you like this my beloved sun.. And Don't worry, I'll surly make you believe that not everyone is same who only wants to satisfy themselves.. There are many man who can love without touching even in this eras.. "

Shahanaj stopped her laughing and again made her face as expressionless and looked at him.. Jungkook was still smiling and admiring her beauty.. She moved her fingers over his eyes and he snapped out.. She crocked her eyes and spoke, " i know I said a bad jokes it doesn't mean you'll zoon out.. "

Jungkook was about to say something but Luna popped out of nowhere and spoke, "uhh, professor Jeon?? " she really couldn't hold her amusement seeing him like this with shahanaj and shocked at the same time while seeing bandage over his legs and hands... Jungkook and shahanaj both looked at her.. Luna looked both of them and again spoke, " as salamu alaikum professor Jeon.. " Jungkook smiled and replied, " walikum salam Luna.. How are you? "

Luna controlled her amusement and replied while maintaining natural expression, " Alhamdulillah, I'm doing well.. But what happened to you? " he chuckled and replied, " nothing just met an accident.. " Luna got shocked and covered her mouth with her both hands and spoke, " wallahi,, be careful professor Jeon.. Be careful... " Jungkook nodded his head... Luna looked at her star and spoke, " both of you are perfect for each other cause both of you're careless. .. " hearing this Jungkook started coughing badly..

Luna widened her eyes and spoke, " Hai Allah, what should I do know?? " shahanaj glared her eyes and gestured her to bring water for her.. Luna didn't waste a second and run inside to bring water for him... Within a minute she came and gave water to him... Jungkook hold the glass and gulped down all the waters... He inhale and exhaled his breath and gave the glass to Luna.. Luna hold the glass and sighed in relief.. ..

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