Part 4

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(Little time skip)

"Alright boys, breakfast is ready!" your mom yells. A few minutes later everyone is in the kitchen. "I swear the only time you guys get anywhere fast is if there's food involved," said your mom. "Well..." said Payton. "Food's a good motivation". Topher takes a seat at the island. "Can we sit at the table," you ask. "Sure sweety," says your dad. "Ugh do we have to?" "Yes Topher, it's "y/n/n's last day",". says Payton mocking your mom. You roll your eyes at them and take your seat at the table. Your family does the same.

Your mom brings out your favorite breakfast along with plates and cups. "Topher go get the drinks please,". Topher gets up and goes to the fridge and grabs orange juice, milk, and the water jug and sits them on the table. You pour (your favorite drink of those). "Looks really good mom! Thank you." you say. "And tastes good too," adds Topher whose digging in to breakfast. "Yeah, thanks mom," says Payton. "You're welcome guys,".

You finish breakfast and you all begin to clean up. You grab the plates and hand them to Payton who rakes the food off them. Topher loads the dishwasher and you start grabbing the drinks. It hits you all at once. This is the last time you'll do this for a whole month. You realize how much you'll miss it. "Are you packed for camp?" asked Payton. "No, I still have to get my stuff together." "Are you nervous to fly by yourself?". "A little," you reply to Payton. "It'll be ok," says Topher.

a/n~I feel like this is an ok start to the book and I've kinda put the plot together in my head. I've been listening to lana del ray (Born to Die Paradise Edition album ofc)and I think it's messing with my head lol. I started this book at 3 am this morning and I already have 4 parts?! I'm not usually a fast writer so this feels like a lot. -1/1/24

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