Part 21

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It was one of the last days of camp. You were really sad to leave, but at the same time, things weren't getting better between you and Walker. Although you were disappointed, you knew it was for the best. You hadn't talked to Dylan since that night. You couldn't handle talking to him. Sure, it wasn't his fault what happened with you and Walker, he didn't know you were together, but it still bothered you that if it weren't for that night, you might still be with Walker. Enjoying these last few days.

You got up and started getting ready for the day. You had a final run through for the play you were in. Your group had to perform it for the whole camp. You felt so nervous. You knew you had to see Dylan at practice which made you more nervous.

 You knew you had to see Dylan at practice which made you more nervous

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(Your fit:)

You leave the cabin and arrive in the auditorium at 1:00. You go onto the stage and start talking to everyone else. You spot Lucy across the stage. She was wearing purple leggings with a gray hoodie. She looked amazing. She always did. She was the obvious choice for Walker.

She sees you from across the room and walks over to you. "Hey y/n," she says. "Hey Lucy," you say with a little disappointment in your voice. "I wanted to say I really like your fit today," "Thanks girl," you say. You know she's just trying to be nice because she feels bad. "Alright everyone, it's time to begin!" Ms.Sparks says, interrupting your awkward conversation. You start to practice. You were doing the play Mean Girls. You played Gretchen.

(Time skip)

You head to dinner with Emily. "Hey, can I ask you something and you promise to not get mad," she said"Okay?" you say. "If I were to be maybe talking to Dylan would you be mad?" She says reluctantly "Of course not, I want you to be happy!" "Really?"she seemed to be really shocked. "Of course."

You and Emily go sit at your table you talk for a few then Dylan walks over. "Do you guys mind if I sit here?" he asks. "Sure," you say. "Not at all,"Emily says and blushes. He sits and you all talk for a little while. You try to ignore how awkward it is. After awhile, it's not that bad.

(Time skip to the day of the play)

You arrive at the auditorium at 6:30. You were too nervous to eat any breakfast. You walk backstage and get into your costume. You were doing your hair when Mrs.Sparks walks in. "Dear, you look amazing!" she says in her high pitched voice. "Thank you Ms. Sparks," you say. "Now I understand that this is your first play. You are going to do a fabulous job! I just know it!" "I hope so," you say. She nods and smiles at you. "Aright, now get into your costume. It's almost show time!" You do as she says.

(Time skip)

The play was over and you're talking to all the friends you've made at camp. "You did amazing!" "you were great!" "I can't believe that was your first time acting!" you get all kinds of compliments. You felt really proud of yourself, as you should.

"I can't believe we really leave tomorrow," Emily said solemnly as you walk to your cabin. "I know, it feels like it's been such a short time since we got here." "I'm a little sad, I'm gonna miss you," she says. "I'm gonna miss you too," you tell her in a sad tone. You're both a little upset for the rest of the day. You know you're probably not going to see each other again for a long time.

You decide to go to the bonfire and go and you have a lot of fun together. It was the perfect last night of camp. You and Walker avoid each other. The tension is still there, but it won't matter tomorrow, since you're going home.
a/n- sorry this part was a little all over the place, I'm just trying to tie up some loose ends. Thank you for reading this far and I'd really appreciate it if you'd vote for my story!!-1/4/24

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