Part 18

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You fell asleep on Walker's shoulder. You not really sure for how long. It could've been minutes or hours, but it didn't feel long enough. After a while you hear the light brush his voice in your ear. "Hey y/n it's almost curfew. I didn't wanna wake you, but I don't want to get you in trouble." Your head was still on his shoulder. His arm was still wrapped around you. You could stay like this forever. "Okay, thanks Walkie," you say. You get up and he walks back to the cabins with you. On the way you talk about the things you did today at camp. You tell him about all the things you're excited for and he makes you laugh with all of his jokes.

You're now back at the cabins. "I had a lot of fun with you," he says now facing you. " I had a lot of fun with you too," you reply. You step closer to him. You slowly put your arms around his neck. He wraps his hands around your waist.

You step away first you begin to take off his sweatshirt to return it to him when he smiles and says "keep it y/n/n." You blush and say "thanks."
You finish your goodbyes and go to your bunk inside the cabin. You look up at the ceiling and think about your amazing night. You replay it in your head over and over and over. It was like something out of a fairy tale. You want to bottle up this feeling and keep it forever.

a/n-tysm for reading this farrrrr!!! We're finally getting some action!!!-1/3/24

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