Part 19

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(Time skip to breakfast the next morning)

You walk through the line at breakfast and go take a seat next to Emily. "Hey," you say. "Good morning," she says drowsily. You haven't seen Walker this morning. So you decide to text him. 

"You ready to head to our first class?!" you ask Emily. "Yes! I can't wait!" you put up your trays and head out the door. Your first class is in the auditorium. You head that way. 

You walk inside and see a tall brunette lady whose instructing everyone to sit in the front rows. "Alright! Fill in all the seats!" she says. You and Emily take seats in the middle of the front row. "There are a lot of people here," you say looking in Emily's direction. "Yeah there are."she says. You feel a little intimidated, but you stay optimistic.

"Hello, everyone!" My name is Evelyn Sparks. This is Performing arts. In here, we will learn about the different kinds of dancing. There are so many. Tap, ballet, ballroom, and even more!" she says excitedly. The class lasts for about an hour and overall you like it. 

(Time skip)

You still haven't gotten a response from Walker. You haven't seen him all day. You decide to text Dylan and ask if he's seen him.

You-Have you seen Walker today? I texted him this morning and he still hasn't responded. I'm a little worried. 

Dylan-No I haven't. Sorry

You text Walker again to check on him. No response. You're really starting to worry, then you get another text from Dylan.

Dylan-Can you meet me at the picnic tables in a few?

It was around 11:00 at night. It was past curfew. You decide to go, just in case something was wrong. You were a little worried about him.  "He acted weird at lunch today," you recall. You respond to him with-

You-Sure, now?

You think about how you're going to sneak out. "Hmm. Ashley's asleep and everyone else is too so I don't have to worry about them. The door's too obvious, but maybe...the window?!" you had it. The window next to your bunk. 

You grabbed your sweatshirt and slipped it over your pajamas. You put on your tennis shoes and climb onto your bed. After a few seconds you find the latch on the window and pull it open. You raise the window up and put your first leg out, then the other. You slide out. you close the window, but don't latch it. You walk to the picnic tables.

You walk down the path and take a right to head over to Dylan. At first you don't see him, but you spot him at the far table. "Hey" you say looking at him. He's in his pajamas too. "Hey" he says. He's wearing black and white checkered pants with a gray hoodie. "What's up?" you ask. "Please hear me out," he says. "Alright," you say reluctantly. "I think I really like you," he says to you with those cute brown eyes you fell for when you first saw him. 

"What?" you say. You hadn't really thought about him actually liking you. Much less sneaking out to tell you. "I think I love you y/n. I think I have since I met you." "Dylan. I..." He leans in and kisses you. "I know you love me too, y/n." You try hard to pull away, but you can't make yourself. It's too good of a moment. All the sudden you see a shadow approach you out of the corner of your eye. You look over and notice it's Walker."Oh no,"you think. This is bad. Dylan lets go of you when he hears"Really, y/n?"."I really thought you maybe liked me, but here you are. With him?!" He sounds really angry. He sounds upset, even. "Walker, please." you say holding back tears. "It's really not what you think," you say. It's taking everything in you to not cry your eyes out. "Really, y/n? Cause I'm pretty sure it is," he says. "Don't talk to me...ever again," he says and walks away.


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