Part 15

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You wake up the next morning to a text from Walker


*unsent message*

"Okay something's gotta be wrong," you say to yourself.

You-Hey what's up?

You wait for awhile, but you don't get a response from him. "Oh well, I'm gonna start getting ready I guess"

 "Oh well, I'm gonna start getting ready I guess"

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(Your fit or not:)

You look at the itinerary they emailed you. Today's supposed to be pretty chill and you get to explore the different classes they offer at camp.

"Good morning, y/n" Emily says sleepily to you. You're standing beside your bunk looking at your phone. "Good morning Ems," you say. "Hurry up and get ready, you're coming with me to check out the classes." "Ugh, five more minutes?" "No Emilyyy, now. Please. All the good food is gonna be gone." That had Emily out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready. A few minutes later she's ready to go. "Ready?" She asks you. "Yep." You head to the mess hall.

" You head to the mess hall

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(Emily's fit:)

"So, what's going on with you and Walker?" she asks you as you (speed) walk to breakfast. "Well, to be honest, I don't really know. One second he tells me he can't wait to see me at the bonfire, then the next he's staring at that other girl." "Well, if you want my opinion, I say go for it." "It's really not that simple Emily. I mean, he's so famous, and have you seen the amount of fan edits their are?! It's insane. Anyone could have him. Why would he choose me?" "Well, for starters he texts you that "he can't wait to see you" I don't hear about him texting any other girls that. Also he kinda has been hanging out with you. I mean you were together during orientation." "Yeah he asked me to sit with him," you say nonchalantly. "Wait, what?! You forgot that majorly important detail. He so wants you." she says. "No he doesn't," "Yeah, he does," "No, no he doesn't," "you'll see y/n/l/n, soon you'll be "y/n Scobell". She says waving her hands in the air. "It has a nice ring to it." "Shut up Emily," you say. 

You guys arrive at the mess hall to find that even though you rushed to get ready. There was barely any food left. You get some old eggs, soggy bacon, and a burnt biscuit that you split with Emily. "This is kinda sucky for "award winning chefs." "Agreed," you say. Alright, I'm gonna go put my tray up, I'll take yours too," "Okay, thanks y/n," "Of course girl." "We're so gonna be early for lunch. I'm not eating this nasty crap again," "me neither," you say.

You walk to throw away your tray and see Dylan walking towards you. He's wearing his "Summer's Acting Camp"  shirt and black shorts. He looks really cute, per usual. "Hey y/n," "Hey Dylan"you reply. "Um, I was wondering," he said and paused. "Go ahead," you say. "Could I maybe get your number?" he asks you. "Yeah, sure," you say. He hands you his phone and you type in your number. "Okay, thank you. Um I'll see you around camp," he says nervously "Okay see ya," you reply and walk over to Emily.

"Girl guess what," "what?" "THE Dylan Hoffman just asked me for my number." "y/n I thought you were into Walker?" she said with a questioning look on her face. "Yeah, I am. I'm just trying to not get my hopes up honestly." "I get that, but please promise me you won't do something you'll regret?" "Okay, I promise." you say. 

a/n-I think I really think I like this part. Lmk what you guys think!-1/3/24

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