Part 11

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You finally arrive at an auditorium disguised as, you guessed it, a log cabin. Ashley takes you inside. As you walk through deep red double doors you see groups already seated. You look around and see two floors of seats. This auditorium seems endless. There is an enormous stage in the front with deep purple curtains closed over it. The walls were sound proofed and had a beige fabric covering them.

 Now, that ginger girl was gone Walker was focused on you again. "There's a lot more people here than I thought," you say to him. "Yeah there is. I'm recognizing a lot of famous teen actors here. I'm kind of intimidated," he says."Yeah, this is a little intimidating,". Ashley leads you to sit in a row in the back of the auditorium. You take your seat next to Walker. "Everyone please make sure your cellphones are on silent," Ashley tells you. You go to turn your phone off and see you have a bunch of notifications. You click on one from your mom.

Mom:Hey Sweety have you made it yet?

What do you think of camp?

y/n are you ok? Have you made any friends

You:Hey, mom. I made it and everything's good. I made a friend at the airport who also is at camp

Mom:That's good! I'm so happy for you sweetheart!! <3

"You ok?" Walker asks. "Yeah, my mom was just texting me," "Oh um I wanted to ask you, could I get your number?" "Yeah, of course," you say. He hands you his phone and you put in your contact. Just then the orientation starts. 

(basically the orientation was a bunch of safety things and rules)

a/n~Okay, so I feel like this was kind of an uneventful part, but stick with me here. I think it's gonna get better. Also if you don't mind voting for this wattpad that would be fabulous!-1/2/24

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