Part 6

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"Alright y/n time to get in the car," "Okay mom!". You walk out of your room, suitcase and carry-on in hand. You walk into the living room where your whole family is waiting to say bye to you. You hug your dad. "I love you sweety," "I love you too dad," you say. You high five Payton because you know how much he hates hugs. "Bye Payton," "Bye sis,". "Bye sissy," Topher says shakily. "Bye Toph I'm gonna miss you so much," you say holding back tears. "I love you y/n/n!" "Aw Topher I love you too,". You bend down and give him a hug. "Alright y/n we're gonna be late!" You wave good-bye and leave your house. You get in your mom's volvo with a sense of sadness. You feel nervousness. You feel scared, but most of all, you feel excited for this new adventure.

(time skip)

You arrive at the airport at 11:00 am. You have a two and a half hour flight ahead of you, from Denver, Colorado to San Francisco California. Your mom walked with you to security. She made sure you got through ok and waved goodbye. (You're fifteen now, so legally you can fly by yourself)You walk through the airport and find a Starbucks. "hmm, I could go for some starbies right about now," you think to yourself. The line wrapped around the terminal. You look at your apple watch. "11:45" it said. "I have until 12:30,"you thought to yourself. That's enough time.

You walk into the Starbucks and get in line behind a boy about your age

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You walk into the Starbucks and get in line behind a boy about your age. He was a good bit taller than you. The locks of his sun faded, curly blonde hair cascaded down his neck. He turned around to face you. He had the most gorgeous face, like something from a dream. The most kissable lips. "Hey, um this is a little embarrassing, but I have no clue what I normally get here, so could you, um help me? Please?". His words caused you to snap out of your daydream. "Uhhh, yeah. Of course. What do you like?" you reply in awe that the hottest kid you'd ever seen was talking to you. Asking for your help. It felt so insane. "So yeah what do you recommend?"he asked. "He had been talking this whole time," you thought. "I'm so sorry, could you repeat that please? I zoned out,". you asked "Yeah, it's like chocolaty, but coffee. My sister always gets it for me and she's not replying to my texts,". "Oh, that sounds like a mocha frappe,". "Oh okay, thank you...uh, what's your name?". "y/n, what's yours?". "Walker, I really like your name y/n. It's really pretty,". "Thank you, I like your's too,". "Thanks," he said. "What're you gonna get" he asked you. "(your fav starbies drink),"you reply. "I've never had that, is it good?" He asks. "Yeah, it's my go to when I come here"

The line got shorter and shorter. You and Walker talked about everything. School, life, friends. Once Walker got to the front, he ordered "Could I please get a grande Mocha Frappe, um and also a grande (your fav drink)? Thank you,"he replied. He turned around to face you. "Don't worry, I got yours," "Wow, thank you so much, you really didn't need to do that," you reply. "I owed you after you helped me find my drink,". "Thank you, again". "Don't mention it," he said. "What plane are you getting on?" he asked you. "Um, I'm heading to California, San Francisco, for an acting camp. "Wait, you've got to be joking,". "Fortunately, I'm not," you said in a questioning tone. "I'm going to an acting camp too, Summer's Acting Camp,". "That's crazy, I'm going to Summer's too!" you reply a little too excitedly.

You proceed to dig through your bag. You find your ticket which says"Terminal 11". "Okay, Walker. We're at Terminal 11," "Terminal 11's that way," Walker says pointing to the whole other end of the airport.

a/n~sorry, I know this is a long part compared to the others, but I really hope you guys like it so far!! I'm really enjoying writing this! <3  1/1/24

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