Part 23

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You read the note "I'm really sorry if I screwed up your summer. I just really liked you. I think we could've worked things out, if we wanted to, I shouldn't have sent mixed signals so much" You questioned yourself. "Did I actually like him?"
"Was I wrong this entire time? Was I ready to move on?"
a/n-I must recommend listening to All I Wanted by Paramore for this part
You decide to go to Starbucks, you deserved it. You had to reconsider your choices. Were you wrong? Were you right to move on? You get in a line that wraps through the airport. You feel a tap on your shoulder. You smelt something familiar. Someone familiar.

You turn around to see a familiar face. One you'd missed. He was a good bit taller than you. The locks of his sun faded, curly blonde hair were gleaming. He had the most gorgeous face, like something from a dream. The most kissable lips.

You look at him. You can't believe your eyes. "Walker, I..." "No," he cut you off. "I should be the one to apologize. I'm a dick for not listening to you. Dylan told me everything." You stand there stunned at what just happened. You look up at him with tears in your eyes. He is right here in front of you. The one you want. The one you've been waiting for. The one for you. "I love you y/n/l/n." You smile at him, with fresh tears running down your cheeks. " I wanna buy your Starbucks and listen to music with you. I want to sit around a fire with my arm around you. I wanna joke around at lunch." You giggle at what he says. "But most of all y/n. I want you." You look at him. He's not just your summer love. He's your forever love. The one that's gonna walk your daughters down the aisle one day. The one thats gonna make you breakfast in bed. The one that's gonna take care of you when you're too old to take care of yourself. With a big smile on your face and misty eyes you say "I want you too Walker Scobell. All I wanted was you." He kisses you passionately and holds you in his arms, your hands on his chest. Your heart is pounding, but you're so relaxed at the same time. He's the one. The man of your dreams.

That's why Summer hasn't been the same since that one summer. That one summer where you had the love of your life. A love that only comes once in your whole life, hence the love of your life.
I still don't believe people when they say summer loves aren't real because mine was real. It still is real. It will forever be real.
a/n-THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR!!! I really hope you enjoyed my first ever wattpad!! I really enjoyed writing it! -1/4/24 <333

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