Part 14

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You look at your phone and see that it's almost 7:30. "Alright you guys, time to head to the bonfire!" Ashley leads you through the woods to the benches you saw earlier. You immediately spot Walker sitting by himself on the other side of the fire pit. You decide to walk over to him. "Hey, Walkie," you say as you walk up to him. "Hey y/n/n!" he says overly eager. "Come sit." He's wearing a beige and green flannel with jeans. (You're still wearing the same outfit as earlier)You walk over to him and sit next to him. "How are you liking camp so far?" he asks you, "I really like it so far. I made a friend which is good. What about you?" "I like it too. I made a couple friends too. I can't wait to start activities."

You sit there for a few seconds before Walker starts to say "Um, I wanted ask you if you'd want to..." just then the ginger girl from earlier approaches you. "Hey Walker. Um, who's this?" she asks. "This is y/n" he tells her. "y/n, this is Lucy." "It's nice to meet you," she says. "She seems nice" you think to yourself. "Maybe she's just friends with him."  "I think I'm gonna go over there and sit with Emily. She looks lonely." You go and sit by yourself because really, you couldn't find Emily in the crowd of campers. You just feel like an awkward third wheel. 

You're starting to feel a little lonely. Dylan starts approaching you. You feel a little excited whne he asks"Hey y/k. Do you mind if I sit here?" "Not at all, you reply, blushing. He sits beside you and asks "what activities do you think you're going to sign up for?" "I'm definitely doing a singing class, but I'm not sure if I want to do dancing or not. What are you doing?" "I'm gonna do a directing class. I'm not sure what else," he tells you. Tomorrow you sign up for classes you'll take this summer. You sit and talk to Dylan, until your counselors call your groups to head back to your cabins.

You go inside and grab your pajamas out of your suitcase.

You go inside and grab your pajamas out of your suitcase

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(Your pj's or not if you don't like them:)

You walk into the bathroom, on the first floor, and see six identical showers. You also see multiple bathroom stalls and a few sinks. Cube shelves align one of the walls for campers to put their toiletries. 

(Time skip to when you're out of the shower)

You walk over to your bunk to find Emily passed out. You shake her and say "It's your turn to shower now," "Ughhh," she says and hops out of bed to go shower. You look at your phone and see Walker texted you. 

Walker-Hey wyd

You-Nm wbu?

Walker-sitting on my bunk, I'm kinda bored

You-What were you gonna ask me earlier?

Walker-Oh I don't even remember now

If I do I'll lyk


You start to feel like somethings up with Walker. "He's probably just tired"you remind yourself. You text your family group chat

You-Love you guys! Goodnight!


Mom-Love you sweety! Topher said he misses you already!

You-Aw I miss him too <3

You start to fall asleep in the next few minutes. 

a/n-Thank you again for reading "Written in the Stars" it means so much when you guys save or vote for my stories!! <333-1/3/24

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