Part 20

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You wake up the next morning, hoping that last night was just a dream. You quickly realize it wasn't a dream because your eyes hurt from how much you cried. "It isn't my fault," you say to yourself mournfully. "It isn't my fault."

Emily hops out of bed and looks at you. "Girl what's wrong?" she asks you. "Nothing," you grunt as you bury your head under your covers. "Come on, I know somethings wrong," "I don't want to talk about ittt," you say grumpily. "Alright, you don't have to tell me now, but you're not making me late for breakfast," "ughhhhhh" you say and hop out of bed to get ready.

You go to the bathroom and grab your toiletry bag. You look in the mirror and realize how tired you look. You wash your face and throw your hair in a claw clip. You put on your sweatpants and a tank top.

"Alright, I'm ready to go," you say to Emily with a sigh. You walk out of the cabin. A few of the girls were still asleep, so you tried to be as quite as possible as you walked outside. You begin walking to breakfast. You get there in time to see a decent amount of food. It was Saturday, so you didn't have any classes. You only had activities like swimming, canoeing, archery, and arts & crafts.

(Time skip to activities)

You started off your morning at the lake for canoeing. Ashley was helping out. "Alright everybody, we're going to get in groups of three, groups of three please." Emily walks over to you. "Wanna be in my group?" she asks. "Sure," you say. "Who's our thir...oh," you say as you see Lucy walk up to you. "Hey!" she says. "Is it okay if I'm in your group?" "Of course" you respond, not really sure if it was okay with you, but then you realize you really shouldn't be all that mad at her. It just bothers you that she might get Walker, instead of you.

"Alright everyone. Let's get in our canoes," Ashley said as she instructed you to get in your canoes. You all got in your canoe. You were in the middle, which you weren't very happy about since you were next to Lucy. You weren't sure how to feel about her just yet.

"Look, y/n. I know you probably think I'm trying to take Walker from you," she says questioning you if you did think she was. "Do you?" she asks patiently. "Lucy, to be honest with you, I don't even think I have a shot at dating Walker anymore. I kind of blew it, so if you really do like him, go for it. You won't be hurting my chance. I did that all on my own," you say to her. You meant it too. Although it hurt you, you knew you couldn't hurt Walker anymore. Even if that meant you supported him dating a girl that took away your confidence in the start.

(Time skip)

You were back at the cabin, getting ready for dinner. You showered after canoeing, and picked out your outfit.

 You showered after canoeing, and picked out your outfit

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(Your fit:)

You go inside and immediately spot Walker. He's sitting with Lucy, of course. You had accepted your fate when you told her to go for him earlier. Although it killed you a little, you were happy to see them happy. "I'm sorry y/n," Emily says to you when she sees you staring. "It's okay," you say, trying not to sound like you were about to cry. 

a/n~Thank you guys so much for reading this far!! Lmk what you think so far!

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