Part 22

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It was 6:30. You were saying your goodbyes to your camp friends. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" You say. "We're going to miss you too y/n!"
You have one more thing to take care of before you leave. You find the pile of suitcases in the boys cabin and find Walker's. You slip his sweatshirt inside, covered in your perfume. A final goodbye.

You hop on your shuttle to the airport. You feel a little hollow without Walker by your side. It's so strange. No one to share your airpods with. No one to talk to about your favorite songs. No one's shoulder to rest your head on. But you remind yourself it's for the best. You turn on Riptide at full volume and try to hold back tears as you reminisce in all of your summer memories.

You arrive at the airport at 7:30. You get through security. Your flight doesn't leave until noon so you have to find something to occupy your time. You find a spot to sit and play game pigeons with Molly. You call her and tell her all about camp. About Emily and Lucy, about Dylan, and about Walker. All. About. Walker. You tell her about your classes and your play, but you leave out one detail from the summer. About how you're not sure that you can let go. Let go of him. Sure he's the reason your summer was so up and down, but you don't want to let go of him. No matter how much he hurt you, you couldn't let go. You wouldn't let yourself. No matter how much he screwed up your relationship.

You talk to molly for awhile longer. She fills you in on everything that happened in her life while you were at camp. She now had a boyfriend who she loved a lot. It made you feel a little jealous, but you were still happy for her. "The right one for me will come," you think to yourself. "Just give it time,"

You look in your carryon for your airpods and find a necklace with a note on it.

a/n-I love cliffhangers <333-1/4/24

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