Part 12

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"Thank you all so much again for joining us at Summer's Acting Camp! We are now going to dismiss by cabin for dinner. You are required to sit with your cabin in the mess hall for the first few days, just so your counselors can get to know you. Now if you're name comes up on the screen you are in the blue cabin," a projector shined on the stage wall with a bunch of peoples names. Walker's being one of them. "I gotta go I guess, um I'll catch you later y/n," Walker looks at you with his dreamy eyes."Bye Walker, I'll see you around,". He walked out of the auditorium.

"Alright these are the people in pink cabin," the announcer said. You look through the names and find yours. You walk out of the auditorium to find your group waiting. "Hi everyone, my name's Ashley and I'm your cabin counselor! I'm so excited to spend this summer with you all! Now there are thirty of you, so we're gonna do a head count," Ashley was the counselor from the bus ride you thought. She did a head count and sure enough, there were thirty girls there. Ashley led you to the mess hall to eat.

As you walk into the mess hall you look around to see log walls, a vaulted ceiling with beams framing it, and a bunch of long wooden tables with benches under them. Ashley leads you over to a line of people. As you make your way through the line, you grab a tray and get the foods you want. They were serving cheeseburgers, and you could get all of your favorite toppings. 

There was also a salad bar, in front of the kitchen, where you made a cesar salad. You look in front of you, to the other side of the salad bar, and see Walker talking to that ginger girl. They were laughing. A lot. Too much. You felt a little jealous. "It wasn't like he said he liked you," you thought to yourself. "Although it did kinda seem like he did. I'm just in my head," "Excuse me," your thoughts were interrupted by a boy about your age. "Oh sorry, I was just daydreaming I guess," "Daydreaming?" you thought to yourself "how cringy does that sound. He's sorta really cute. Oh my gosh. Snap out of it," you tell yourself. "You look fine, ugh I mean you're fine. Not you're fine, not that you're not, uh,"he says "It's all good, I know what you mean," you say reassuring him "okay, um thanks," he says. "Yeah," you reply. "My name's Dylan Hoffman,". "It's nice to meet you Dylan, I'm y/n/l/n," you say."Nice to meet you too, y/n/l/n,". "What cabin are you in?", you ask him. "I'm in green." "I'm in pink,". "Cool, um I'm gonna go back to my table now. It was nice to meet you y/n, I'll catch you later?" "It was nice to meet you too Dylan,".

You walk back to your table. "Hey, could I sit here?" you ask a girl. She's dirty blonde and a little shorter than you. "Yeah, of course. My name's Emily,". "My name's y/n" you say. "I noticed you were with Walker. Are you guys like, a thing?" she asks. "I wish. No, I mean no, we're not," you say. "Oh, well I can understand why you wish you were a thing. He is so cute. Not to like take your mans or anything," she says. "Oh, yeah I understand what you mean. And also he's not my mans. At all. I don't think I stand a chance to that ginger girl," you say. "Oh, Lucy? She would never date him. He's not her type at all. She's more into the "animated" type," "Please explain what you mean by the "animated" type," "Well, she had a crush on the Onceler from The Lorax for awhile," Emily explains. "Oh, that's interesting," you say. "Yeah, but Lucy's cool. She's not weird like some of the other kids here. Would you want to share a bunk y/n?" "huh" you reply. You were too busy looking at Dylan from across the room. "He's so cute," you think to yourself. "I was just wondering if you'd wanna share a bunk?" Emily asks. "Yeah, sure. Sounds good." you reply.

a/n~Thank you so much for getting this far!! It would mean so much if you could vote for this wattpad! I love looking at all the new reads I get and all your comments!! <333-1/2/24

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