Part 9

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You walk through the airport, by Walker's side. He still has your suitcase in hand. "I think the shuttles are that way y/n," "Um Walker, they're that  way," you reply and point in the opposite direction. "Oh, um well I never claimed to have a good sense of direction," "Clearly not," you say. 

You both continue through the airport and then arrive at the buses. "Oh look, there it issss!!" you say and point to the bus with "Summer's Acting Camp" written along the side. "Alright, I guess let's go," Walker says. You walk up to the bus and see a lady who asks "Are you headed to acting camp?" "Yes, we are," Walker responds. "God, he's so cute," you think to yourself. "Alright, I need your names," "Walker, Walker Scobell," he says. "Um y/n/l/n,". "Okay, go ahead Walker, Walker Scobell and um y/n/l/n,". "Alright, thanks," Walker says. 

You walk up the stairs and on the bus to find a lot of kids about your age. "Lead the way y/n," Walker says moving out of your way. You find a seat close to the back and take the aisle seat. Walker puts your suitcase, along with his, in the bag rack above your seat and takes a seat next to you.

 The bus starts and you're ride starts off in silence. You look out the window, but Walker thinks you're looking at him and meets your gaze and gives you a small smile. You smile back at him. "How are you feeling about camp now Walkie?" you ask. He blushes a little at his new nickname. "Well, now I'm a little excited. I'm less nervous I guess," "That's good," you reply. "What about you?" he asks "I'm actually really excited. It feels so real now!" you say. You rummage through your bag and pull out your airpods case. "want one Walkie?" you hold out an airpod for him. He takes it and says "Thanks y/n/n,". "What do you like to listen too?" you ask him. "I really listen to anything" he says and shrugs. You turn on Riptide by Vance Joy. "I love this song," he says and smiles at you. "Me too," you say trying not to blush.

The rest of the ride you guys listen to your favorite songs and talk about your favorite artists. You find out walker really likes (your fav artist)too.

a/n~TYSM IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR!! I know it's taking awhile to get into this book, but I'm trying to make it kind of slow and not rush into it. But thank you again for reading this far <3333

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