Part 5

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You head into your room after you and your brothers finish cleaning. "Alright, I guess I better start packing,". You head over to your walk-in closet. You grab your pink suitcase from the top and sit it on your bedroom floor. You hear a scratching sound on your door followed by a whimper. You walk over and open it for Prince. You go sit back on your floor and Prince follows you over and crawls in your lap. "Prince you are way to big for this,"he tilts his head a looks at you thoughtlessly. "You don't care do you?" You say to him. "Of course you don't," you laugh to yourself.

You walk into your closet and grab all of your shorts and shirts. You grab a nice dress, per the packing list. You get bathing suits, and tennis shoes. You grab your birkenstocks, and your favorite blanket, it's pink with gold sparkles. You head into your bathroom that's connected to your room, with your toiletry bag in hand. You get your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, perfume, makeup, hairbrush and your flatiron and curling iron. You stuff all this in your suitcase.

For your carry-on you grab your airpods, chargers, empty water bottle, and other necessities. "I'm gonna miss you Prince," you hug your dog and hold back tears. All the sudden you hear your phone ring. You pick it up and it says "Molly". You answer it. "Hey y/n! Are you excited to go?!" "Yeah," "Wait, have you been crying?" "A little, I'm just gonna miss Prince so much," "You are getting to go to acting camp, which you've been dreaming of for almost a year. You're might get to meet so many famous people and you are crying over your dog. "Yeah, he's just my best friend," "ehum" said Molly. "Okay I'm gonna miss you. Only a little," you reply. "Okay maybe more than a little. "Thank you" says Molly. "Alright I have to go shower now, I leave in an hour. "Have so much fun girl!" "Thanks, Molly! Love you girl! Byeeee!" You walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower.

When you're finished you put on your rob and go into your closet. "hmm, what should I wear?" You ask yourself. "Oooh I'm gonna wear this."

Your outfit (or not if you don't like it)

Your outfit (or not if you don't like it)

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