Part 16

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(Little time skip)

You finish up in the mess hall and pull out your phone to look at the schedule. "Hey Ems, do you wanna go check out the singing class? The meeting starts in like 15 minutes." "Sure, sounds good." You guys walk over to the amphitheater, right near your cabins, where it's being held.

(Time skip to when the class is over)

"I really liked that class, and I thought the teacher seemed cool" Emily says. "Yeah, me too." "It's so cool that Dua Lipa's gonna come sing with us," "Yeah" you say thoughtlessly. "What's wrong? You've seemed off since we left the mess hall." emily looks at you with a worried look on her face. "I don't know. It's just, I'm a little worried about Walker. He texted me this morning and unsent it. Then he didn't respond to what I sent him at 7:00 this morning." "That is a little weird. He's probably okay."

You head to the auditorium to meet the other teachers. You get a text from Walker:

Walker-Hey, sorry I just saw your text

You-It's all good. Are you ok?

Walker-yeah, I'm fine, but I want to talk to you later


"I'm little worried about Walker," you say to Emily. You're on your way to the auditorium. "Emily?" you say. "huh," she was texting someone, you weren't sure who. "Never mind" you say.

You go inside the auditorium and take a seat in the back with the rest of your cabin. You spot Walker on the second floor of seats. He's with his friends. Not with Lucy. "I wonder what he wants to talk to me about? Did I do something wrong?" all these thoughts distract you from a counselor telling you to put your phone away. "y/n, y/n," you feel Emily shaking you alarmingly. "y/n put your phone away," "Oh, I'm sorry," you say and begin "listening" to the presentation. You couldn't get your mind off Walker

You feel your phone buzz, which distracted you from your thoughts, and look around to see if any counselors are looking. All of them are watching the stage. You flip your phone around to see a text notification.

Walker-I'm listening to our song

Walker-I'm listening to our song

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You-I loveeeee Riptide

"Our song" you thought. "Our song" is something...WAIT, no. It couldn't be.

a/n-you're welcome for the little cliff hanger :)

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